Dad Knows Best

    How many diaper changes will be done per week
    A. 70 B. 100 C. 130 D. 70 E. 60
    What is Zoey's biggest craving during pregnancy
    A. sour patch kids B. bruschetta C. bruschetta D. pickles E. vegemite toast
    how much hair do you think bub will be born with
    A. none B. a little C. a lot D. a little
    one word to describe Zoey's mood during pregnancy
    A. roller coaster B. calm C. a sook D. roller coaster E. grumpy
    what is your biggest fear of becoming a dad
    A. getting spewed on B. not being good at it C. bathing her D. getting spewed on E. getting poo'd on
    what are you most looking forward to about becoming a dad
    A. she'll like me more than zoey B. doing lots of activities C. doing lots of activites D. annoying her
    what if the baby has a 6th toe
    A. call 000, get it chopped B. leave it C. call 000, get it chopped D. cry
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Dad Knows Best (Answer Key)

    How many diaper changes will be done per week
    A. 70 B. 100 C. 130 D. 70 E. 60
    What is Zoey's biggest craving during pregnancy
    A. sour patch kids B. bruschetta C. bruschetta D. pickles E. vegemite toast
    how much hair do you think bub will be born with
    A. none B. a little C. a lot D. a little
    one word to describe Zoey's mood during pregnancy
    A. roller coaster B. calm C. a sook D. roller coaster E. grumpy
    what is your biggest fear of becoming a dad
    A. getting spewed on B. not being good at it C. bathing her D. getting spewed on E. getting poo'd on
    what are you most looking forward to about becoming a dad
    A. she'll like me more than zoey B. doing lots of activities C. doing lots of activites D. annoying her
    what if the baby has a 6th toe
    A. call 000, get it chopped B. leave it C. call 000, get it chopped D. cry

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