Hetty Green

    People would say Hetty had a small
    A. money B. faith C. stuff D. her mom E. her uncle F. a friend G. heart
    She grew her wealth by investing in
    A. real estate B. all of the above C. stock D. bonds E. the smartest lady F. the dumbest person G. a dog
    In a free market it is important to use your money to
    A. foolishly B. however you want C. I don't know D. not spend it E. spend it all F. make more money G. leave it just sitting there
    When the government makes a mistake they often just
    A. throw more money at the problem B. shut the place down C. make everyone else pay D. ignore the problem E. she didn't have the money F. she forgot to care for it G. her son wouldn't help her
    One of the popular nicknames for Hetty was
    A. evil one B. rich lady C. hetty betty D. The scrooge of scrooges E. money F. faith G. kids
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Hetty Green (Answer Key)

    People would say Hetty had a small
    A. money B. faith C. stuff D. her mom E. her uncle F. a friend G. heart
    She grew her wealth by investing in
    A. real estate B. all of the above C. stock D. bonds E. the smartest lady F. the dumbest person G. a dog
    In a free market it is important to use your money to
    A. foolishly B. however you want C. I don't know D. not spend it E. spend it all F. make more money G. leave it just sitting there
    When the government makes a mistake they often just
    A. throw more money at the problem B. shut the place down C. make everyone else pay D. ignore the problem E. she didn't have the money F. she forgot to care for it G. her son wouldn't help her
    One of the popular nicknames for Hetty was
    A. evil one B. rich lady C. hetty betty D. The scrooge of scrooges E. money F. faith G. kids

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