Dogs are Fun

    Which man has had his dog longer?
    A. Sid B. Jack C. Zip D. Ted
    Which word best describes Sid now?
    A. mean B. sleepy C. thin D. fat
    When does Zip nip Jack on his neck or chin?
    A. when Zip is on his lap B. when he is in the bath C. when he takes Zip for a walk D. when he sits and rest
    Who liked to run on the path and sit in the mud?
    A. Zip B. Ted C. Jack D. Sid
    What words in the story tell you that Zip did not like taking a bath?
    A. Jack put Zip in the tub B. both boys got wet C. sat in the thick mud D. did not want to get wet
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Dogs are Fun (Answer Key)

    Which man has had his dog longer?
    A. Sid B. Jack C. Zip D. Ted
    Which word best describes Sid now?
    A. mean B. sleepy C. thin D. fat
    When does Zip nip Jack on his neck or chin?
    A. when Zip is on his lap B. when he is in the bath C. when he takes Zip for a walk D. when he sits and rest
    Who liked to run on the path and sit in the mud?
    A. Zip B. Ted C. Jack D. Sid
    What words in the story tell you that Zip did not like taking a bath?
    A. Jack put Zip in the tub B. both boys got wet C. sat in the thick mud D. did not want to get wet

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