speech test 1

    What does the textbook recommend as the first step of practicing delivery?
    A. Record your speech and listen to it so you can refine your delivery. B. Prepare your speaking online so it is brief and easy to read at a glance. C. Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror to check your body language. D. Do a dress rehearsal in the room where you will present the speech. E. is accompanied by frequent gestures. F. requires that the speaker have a strong voice. G. draws the attention of the audience away from the message H. Go through your preparation outline aloud to see if what is written works orally. I. is best achieved by reading from a manuscript.
    Forming particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly is called
    A. verbalization B. vocalized pausing C. pronunciation D. intonation E. articulation F. phonemes. G. polytones H. enunciations I. accents
    Ivory will be giving a presentation for her company to a group of potential clients visiting from Germany, and she is deciding what to wear. According to your textbook, which of the following statements about the role of personal appearance in speechmakin
    A. Research has shown that bright colored clothing has more favorable impact of listeners B. In most cases, listeners' attitudes are not influenced by the way a speaker is dressed C. all of the above D. a and b only E. Maintain eye contact with the audience. F. Use signposts to help listeners keep track of your ideas. G. Tell the audience how nervous you are H. A speaker's personal appearance should be in keeping with the occasion of the speech. I. all of the above
    Using evidence is especially critical in a persuasive speech when your target audience
    A. is apathetic about your point of view B. is neutral toward your point of view C. supports your point of view D. is not sure of your point of view E. opposes your point of view F. It requires only a minimal amount of gesturing by the speaker. G. It reduces the likelihood of a speaker making vocalized pauses. H. It improves a speaker's ability to articulate difficult words correctly I. It requires little or no preparation before the speech is delivered
    According to your textbook, a fallacy is a
    A. kind of appeal to emotion B. an inductive argument C. another name for a syllogism D. an error in reasoning E. a strong argument F. after-dinner G. commemorative H. informative I. persuasive
    What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?We should be taking every step we can to protect our health. Getting vaccinated against bacterial meningitis will help protect our health. Therefore, each of us should get vaccinated against bact
    A. reasoning from causee B. reasoning from principle C. reasoning from prudence D. reasoning from specific instances E. reasoning from safety
    According to your textbook, what error in reasoning should a speaker watch out for when using casual reasoning in a persuasive speech?
    A. claiming a casual link between two events when they are merely coincidental B. assuming that events have only one cause when there may be multiple causes C. committing the post nobis fallacy of using inappropriate casual evidence D. all of the above E. a and b only
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speech test 1 (Answer Key)

    What does the textbook recommend as the first step of practicing delivery?
    A. Record your speech and listen to it so you can refine your delivery. B. Prepare your speaking online so it is brief and easy to read at a glance. C. Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror to check your body language. D. Do a dress rehearsal in the room where you will present the speech. E. is accompanied by frequent gestures. F. requires that the speaker have a strong voice. G. draws the attention of the audience away from the message H. Go through your preparation outline aloud to see if what is written works orally. I. is best achieved by reading from a manuscript.
    Forming particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly is called
    A. verbalization B. vocalized pausing C. pronunciation D. intonation E. articulation F. phonemes. G. polytones H. enunciations I. accents
    Ivory will be giving a presentation for her company to a group of potential clients visiting from Germany, and she is deciding what to wear. According to your textbook, which of the following statements about the role of personal appearance in speechmakin
    A. Research has shown that bright colored clothing has more favorable impact of listeners B. In most cases, listeners' attitudes are not influenced by the way a speaker is dressed C. all of the above D. a and b only E. Maintain eye contact with the audience. F. Use signposts to help listeners keep track of your ideas. G. Tell the audience how nervous you are H. A speaker's personal appearance should be in keeping with the occasion of the speech. I. all of the above
    Using evidence is especially critical in a persuasive speech when your target audience
    A. is apathetic about your point of view B. is neutral toward your point of view C. supports your point of view D. is not sure of your point of view E. opposes your point of view F. It requires only a minimal amount of gesturing by the speaker. G. It reduces the likelihood of a speaker making vocalized pauses. H. It improves a speaker's ability to articulate difficult words correctly I. It requires little or no preparation before the speech is delivered
    According to your textbook, a fallacy is a
    A. kind of appeal to emotion B. an inductive argument C. another name for a syllogism D. an error in reasoning E. a strong argument F. after-dinner G. commemorative H. informative I. persuasive
    What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?We should be taking every step we can to protect our health. Getting vaccinated against bacterial meningitis will help protect our health. Therefore, each of us should get vaccinated against bact
    A. reasoning from causee B. reasoning from principle C. reasoning from prudence D. reasoning from specific instances E. reasoning from safety
    According to your textbook, what error in reasoning should a speaker watch out for when using casual reasoning in a persuasive speech?
    A. claiming a casual link between two events when they are merely coincidental B. assuming that events have only one cause when there may be multiple causes C. committing the post nobis fallacy of using inappropriate casual evidence D. all of the above E. a and b only

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