Lord of The Flies (Chapter 4)

Have a test at your understanding of Chapter 4 in the famous book "Lord of The Flies" (Created by Jamie Lam 8U)

    What was Jack looking for in the forest at the start of the chapter?
    A. He was looking for firewood for the signal fire B. He was looking for a pig to kill C. He was looking for the missing "llittleuns" D. He was looking for a cow to kill E. He was trying to find Ralph
    What did the "littleuns" do for most of the day?
    A. They helped build the shelters B. They slept C. They picked and ate fruit D. They looked for a pig E. They swam in the sea
    How did Roger try to hurt Henry?
    A. He hit him B. He threw rocks at him C. He threw sand in his eyes D. He baited him into a trap E. He gave him some bad fruit
    What thing passed the island the boys were stranded on?
    A. An aeroplane B. A submarine C. A person D. A ship E. A rocke
    Why did the thing mentioned in question 4 not stop for the island?
    A. Because it was foggy B. Because it was empty C. Because it couldn't stop D. Because there was no signal fire E. Because they didn't see the island
    What happened when Ralph and Piggy went to the signal fire?
    A. "Littleuns" had put the fire out B. Jack and his hunters came with a dead pig C. Piggy lost his glasses D. Jack and his hunters came back with a live pig E. Ralph got burned
    What does Ralph do when he finished his argument with Jack
    A. He hunts with Jack B. He goes to sleep C. He calls a meeting D. He cries E. He sees another ship
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Lord of The Flies (Chapter 4) (Answer Key)

Have a test at your understanding of Chapter 4 in the famous book "Lord of The Flies" (Created by Jamie Lam 8U)

    What was Jack looking for in the forest at the start of the chapter?
    A. He was looking for firewood for the signal fire B. He was looking for a pig to kill C. He was looking for the missing "llittleuns" D. He was looking for a cow to kill E. He was trying to find Ralph
    What did the "littleuns" do for most of the day?
    A. They helped build the shelters B. They slept C. They picked and ate fruit D. They looked for a pig E. They swam in the sea
    How did Roger try to hurt Henry?
    A. He hit him B. He threw rocks at him C. He threw sand in his eyes D. He baited him into a trap E. He gave him some bad fruit
    What thing passed the island the boys were stranded on?
    A. An aeroplane B. A submarine C. A person D. A ship E. A rocke
    Why did the thing mentioned in question 4 not stop for the island?
    A. Because it was foggy B. Because it was empty C. Because it couldn't stop D. Because there was no signal fire E. Because they didn't see the island
    What happened when Ralph and Piggy went to the signal fire?
    A. "Littleuns" had put the fire out B. Jack and his hunters came with a dead pig C. Piggy lost his glasses D. Jack and his hunters came back with a live pig E. Ralph got burned
    What does Ralph do when he finished his argument with Jack
    A. He hunts with Jack B. He goes to sleep C. He calls a meeting D. He cries E. He sees another ship

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