Spanish 2- Test #2

Created by tiredmom

    What is the difference between "cuanto cuesta" and "cuanto cuestan"?
    A. "Cuanto cuesta" is used with singular items and "cuanto cuestan" is used with plural items. B. None. They are both used interchageably. C. "Cuanto cuestan" is used with singular items. "Cuanto cuesta" is used with plural items.
    Fill in the blank: Cuanto___________las flores?
    A. cuestan B. cuesta C. cuesta
    In Spanish, determine if the cost of $1.00 for the price of a baseball cap, is CHEAP or EXPENSIVE.
    A. neither B. caro C. barato
    Translate into English: dinero en effective
    A. cash B. expensive C. cash
    Translate into English: the post card
    A. la gorra B. la tarjeta C. la carta
    Translate into English: the jewelry
    A. las joyas B. traje de bano C. los recuerdos
    Which of the following is NOt a compound sentence?
    A. Yo able con el camarero para pedir una agua. B. Fuiste a la playa la semana pasada o el mes pasado? C. Ella hablo con Patricia
    Which of the following is a compound sentence?
    A. Yo viaje a Italia. B. Comiste una hamburguesa? C. Viajaste a Italia el mes pasado oe el ano pasado?
    Translate this phrase: El ano pasado
    A. this year B. next year C. last year
    Translate this phrase: por fin
    A. final B. finally C. for the end
    Translate the following noun: the round-trip ticket
    A. el pasaporte B. el boleto de ida y vuelta C. el boleto
    Translate the following noun: the ticket
    A. el vuelo B. el equipaje C. el boleto
    A woman who serves refreshments to passengers on a plane is called:
    A. un turista B. un auxiliar de vuelo C. una auxiliar de vuelo
    Translate to English: Un turista
    A. a female tourist B. a female passenger C. a male tourist
    What does "la agencia de viajest" mean in English?
    A. the hostel B. the airport C. the travel agency
    Where can you go to fly from one place to another?
    A. las montanas B. el aeropuerto C. el hotel
    Translate to English: Llamaste a tu papa y mama?
    A. Did you feed your dad and mom? B. Did you call your dad and mom? C. Did you pick up your dad and mom?
    Translate to English: No, no pesque.
    A. No, I did not fish. B. No, you didn't fish. C. No, he didn't fish.
    Titus wants to fish. What does he want to do?
    A. pescar B. abordar C. pescar
    Translate the following: Kim wants to visit the museum.
    A. Kim fue a el museo. B. Kim le gusta el museo. C. Kim quiere visitar el museo.
    Translate to English: Yo voy de vacaciones a Italia.
    A. She is going on vacation to Italy. B. I am going on vacation to Italy. C. You are going on vacation to Italy.
    Translate to Spanish: I am going on vacation.
    A. Tu vas de vacaciones. B. Usted va de vacaciones. C. Yo voy de vacaciones.
    What does "maleta" mean?
    A. mallet B. tool box C. suitcase
    Translate this phrase to English: ir de excursion
    A. to travel to a large city B. to pack a suitcase C. to go on a day trip
    Choose the correct conjugation of the verb "beber" for the pronoun "Yo"
    A. bebi B. bebio C. bebiste
    Choose the correct conjugation of the verb "comer" for the pronoun "Nosotros"
    A. comieron B. comesteis C. comimos
    What is the preterit tense of "abordar" in the "ellos/ellas" form?
    A. abordaron B. abordamos C. abordasteis
    What is the preterit tense of "abordar" in the "yo" form?
    A. abordo B. abordaron C. aborde
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Spanish 2- Test #2 (Answer Key)

Created by tiredmom

    What is the difference between "cuanto cuesta" and "cuanto cuestan"?
    A. "Cuanto cuesta" is used with singular items and "cuanto cuestan" is used with plural items. B. None. They are both used interchageably. C. "Cuanto cuestan" is used with singular items. "Cuanto cuesta" is used with plural items.
    Fill in the blank: Cuanto___________las flores?
    A. cuestan B. cuesta C. cuesta
    In Spanish, determine if the cost of $1.00 for the price of a baseball cap, is CHEAP or EXPENSIVE.
    A. neither B. caro C. barato
    Translate into English: dinero en effective
    A. cash B. expensive C. cash
    Translate into English: the post card
    A. la gorra B. la tarjeta C. la carta
    Translate into English: the jewelry
    A. las joyas B. traje de bano C. los recuerdos
    Which of the following is NOt a compound sentence?
    A. Yo able con el camarero para pedir una agua. B. Fuiste a la playa la semana pasada o el mes pasado? C. Ella hablo con Patricia
    Which of the following is a compound sentence?
    A. Yo viaje a Italia. B. Comiste una hamburguesa? C. Viajaste a Italia el mes pasado oe el ano pasado?
    Translate this phrase: El ano pasado
    A. this year B. next year C. last year
    Translate this phrase: por fin
    A. final B. finally C. for the end
    Translate the following noun: the round-trip ticket
    A. el pasaporte B. el boleto de ida y vuelta C. el boleto
    Translate the following noun: the ticket
    A. el vuelo B. el equipaje C. el boleto
    A woman who serves refreshments to passengers on a plane is called:
    A. un turista B. un auxiliar de vuelo C. una auxiliar de vuelo
    Translate to English: Un turista
    A. a female tourist B. a female passenger C. a male tourist
    What does "la agencia de viajest" mean in English?
    A. the hostel B. the airport C. the travel agency
    Where can you go to fly from one place to another?
    A. las montanas B. el aeropuerto C. el hotel
    Translate to English: Llamaste a tu papa y mama?
    A. Did you feed your dad and mom? B. Did you call your dad and mom? C. Did you pick up your dad and mom?
    Translate to English: No, no pesque.
    A. No, I did not fish. B. No, you didn't fish. C. No, he didn't fish.
    Titus wants to fish. What does he want to do?
    A. pescar B. abordar C. pescar
    Translate the following: Kim wants to visit the museum.
    A. Kim fue a el museo. B. Kim le gusta el museo. C. Kim quiere visitar el museo.
    Translate to English: Yo voy de vacaciones a Italia.
    A. She is going on vacation to Italy. B. I am going on vacation to Italy. C. You are going on vacation to Italy.
    Translate to Spanish: I am going on vacation.
    A. Tu vas de vacaciones. B. Usted va de vacaciones. C. Yo voy de vacaciones.
    What does "maleta" mean?
    A. mallet B. tool box C. suitcase
    Translate this phrase to English: ir de excursion
    A. to travel to a large city B. to pack a suitcase C. to go on a day trip
    Choose the correct conjugation of the verb "beber" for the pronoun "Yo"
    A. bebi B. bebio C. bebiste
    Choose the correct conjugation of the verb "comer" for the pronoun "Nosotros"
    A. comieron B. comesteis C. comimos
    What is the preterit tense of "abordar" in the "ellos/ellas" form?
    A. abordaron B. abordamos C. abordasteis
    What is the preterit tense of "abordar" in the "yo" form?
    A. abordo B. abordaron C. aborde

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