Cottage Food License Review

    What is a cottage food license?
    What types of food can be sold with a cottage food license?
    What are the requirements to obtain a cottage food license?
    Are there any restrictions on how you can sell or market foods produced with a cottage food license?
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Cottage Food License Review (Answer Key)

    What is a cottage food license?
    A cottage food license is a permit that allows certain individuals to produce, package, and/or sell certain foods from their home
    What types of food can be sold with a cottage food license?
    With a cottage food license, you can typically produce, package, and/or sell certain non-potentially hazardous foods such as baked goods, candy, jams and jellies, dried fruits and vegetables, and some canned goods.
    What are the requirements to obtain a cottage food license?
    The requirements to obtain a cottage food license will vary depending on the state or local jurisdiction. Generally, you may need to complete an application, pay a fee, take a food safety course, and submit to a health inspection.
    Are there any restrictions on how you can sell or market foods produced with a cottage food license?
    Yes, typically you can only sell or market foods produced with a cottage food license directly to the consumer. You cannot sell to restaurants, grocery stores, or other retailers. Additionally, you may be prohibited from shipping foods across state lines.

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