Easter Club Y11


    What did most people in Medieval times believe was the cause of The Black Death?
    A. God B. Frogs C. Fleas on rats D. Rats on fleas
    Which is the definition of ‘astrology’?
    A. the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. B. the science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it. C. the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society. D. the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.
    Which group of people, persecuted through time, were accused of causing the Black Death through poisoning water supplies?
    A. Women B. Jews C. Muslims D. Priests
    What is Miasma Theory?
    A. Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (a radioactive atom) in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was (in a sense) both "dead and alive". B. a falsifiable theory: It makes predictions that can be tested by experiment. C. An obsolete medical theory that held that disease was caused by a noxious form of "bad air" D. an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups
    What is being defined here: a person who subjects themselves or others to flogging, either as a religious discipline or for sexual gratification?
    A. Flatulent B. Flattered C. Flocculent D. Flagellant
    What was the most relied-upon attempt to cure the Black Death?
    A. Vaccine B. Prayer C. Wise woman D. Chemicals
    Why were posies of flowers used during the Black Death?
    A. Belief that would combat miasma B. To behave affectedly in order to impress C. Defeated diseases transmitted via smells D. To improve mood following bereavement
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Easter Club Y11 (Answer Key)


    What did most people in Medieval times believe was the cause of The Black Death?
    A. God B. Frogs C. Fleas on rats D. Rats on fleas
    Which is the definition of ‘astrology’?
    A. the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. B. the science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it. C. the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society. D. the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.
    Which group of people, persecuted through time, were accused of causing the Black Death through poisoning water supplies?
    A. Women B. Jews C. Muslims D. Priests
    What is Miasma Theory?
    A. Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (a radioactive atom) in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was (in a sense) both "dead and alive". B. a falsifiable theory: It makes predictions that can be tested by experiment. C. An obsolete medical theory that held that disease was caused by a noxious form of "bad air" D. an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups
    What is being defined here: a person who subjects themselves or others to flogging, either as a religious discipline or for sexual gratification?
    A. Flatulent B. Flattered C. Flocculent D. Flagellant
    What was the most relied-upon attempt to cure the Black Death?
    A. Vaccine B. Prayer C. Wise woman D. Chemicals
    Why were posies of flowers used during the Black Death?
    A. Belief that would combat miasma B. To behave affectedly in order to impress C. Defeated diseases transmitted via smells D. To improve mood following bereavement

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