Why African Americans Left the South and Langston Hughes

Quiz #1 from Video 1 and Video 2

Instructions: Name ____________________ Class Section_____________ Date_____________________

    In what part of the United States was the "Black Belt"?
    A. In the northern part of the United States B. In the southern region of the United States C. In the midwest region of the United States D. In another part of the world E. In the mideast region of the United States
    What percentage of America's largest minority group live in the "Black Belt"?
    A. 80% B. 90% C. 75% D. 50% E. 95%
    What are three major cities that African Americans migrated to?
    Why was the Emancipation Proclamation so important?
    What was the purpose of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment to the constitution?
    What were the Jim Crow laws?
    List three things that the Jim Crow laws determined?
    What was the Great Migration?
    Which is true about the African Americans they left the Black Belt region to migrate North
    A. They were skilled workers B. They were unskilled C. They were NOT needed for labor D. They were treated better than whites
    How did the Harlem Renaissance emerge?
    Approximately how many African Americans moved during the Great Migration?
    A. 66 million B. 600 million C. 650 million D. 9 million E. 6 million
    What does the word renaissance mean?
    What did Langston Hughes write about?
    A. The great life of African Americans B. The life of African Americans in the "Black Belt" C. The coming of the Great Depression? D. His greatness during the Harlem Renaissance E. He wrote about Blacks and the Black experience in America
    What did Africa Americans identify themselves as during the Harlem Renaissance?
    What was Langston Hughes' first and most famous published poem?
    What was Langston Hughes' poems inspired by?
    A. The Emancipation Proclamation B. The oppression of white people C. The greatness of the United States D. The condition of African Americans in this country E. The nightlife and the energy of the Harlem nightclubs
    Which two types of music were influenced in his poetry?
    Besides poetry, name one other type of genre Langston Hughes wrote.
    Name one of Langston Hughes' poems
    While studying at Columbia University what did Hughes discover?
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Why African Americans Left the South and Langston Hughes (Answer Key)

Quiz #1 from Video 1 and Video 2

Instructions: Name ____________________ Class Section_____________ Date_____________________

    In what part of the United States was the "Black Belt"?
    A. In the northern part of the United States B. In the southern region of the United States C. In the midwest region of the United States D. In another part of the world E. In the mideast region of the United States
    What percentage of America's largest minority group live in the "Black Belt"?
    A. 80% B. 90% C. 75% D. 50% E. 95%
    What are three major cities that African Americans migrated to?
    New York, Chicago, and Detroit
    Why was the Emancipation Proclamation so important?
    The EP ended slavery
    What was the purpose of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment to the constitution?
    These amendments allowed certain freedoms to Blacks
    What were the Jim Crow laws?
    Laws that took away rights which had been granted to Black people though the 13th, 14th and 15th amendment.
    List three things that the Jim Crow laws determined?
    Where Blacks could eat, where they could stand on platforms, which bathroom they could use
    What was the Great Migration?
    Life in the south was deadly, Blacks moved north and this is referred to as The Great Migration
    Which is true about the African Americans they left the Black Belt region to migrate North
    A. They were skilled workers B. They were unskilled C. They were NOT needed for labor D. They were treated better than whites
    How did the Harlem Renaissance emerge?
    From the Blacks that settled in NYC, there were art, music, poetry, political figures, intellectual thinkers and this is how the HR emerged
    Approximately how many African Americans moved during the Great Migration?
    A. 66 million B. 600 million C. 650 million D. 9 million E. 6 million
    What does the word renaissance mean?
    It's French for "Rebirth"
    What did Langston Hughes write about?
    A. The great life of African Americans B. The life of African Americans in the "Black Belt" C. The coming of the Great Depression? D. His greatness during the Harlem Renaissance E. He wrote about Blacks and the Black experience in America
    What did Africa Americans identify themselves as during the Harlem Renaissance?
    The New Negro
    What was Langston Hughes' first and most famous published poem?
    Negro Speaks of Rivers
    What was Langston Hughes' poems inspired by?
    A. The Emancipation Proclamation B. The oppression of white people C. The greatness of the United States D. The condition of African Americans in this country E. The nightlife and the energy of the Harlem nightclubs
    Which two types of music were influenced in his poetry?
    Jazz and blues
    Besides poetry, name one other type of genre Langston Hughes wrote.
    plays, edited anthologies, short stories
    Name one of Langston Hughes' poems
    While studying at Columbia University what did Hughes discover?
    The Harlem arts scene

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