Chapter 4 Test


    All of the cells in your body need which of the following in order to make the body run smoothly?
    A. a salty environment B. a steady supply of sugar C. a particular temperature range
    Cells that work together to perform a particular function in the body make up
    A. nuceli B. organisms C. tissues
    Two or more tissues that work together to do a particular job are called
    A. celll B. a muscle C. an organ
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Chapter 4 Test (Answer Key)


    All of the cells in your body need which of the following in order to make the body run smoothly?
    A. a salty environment B. a steady supply of sugar C. a particular temperature range
    Cells that work together to perform a particular function in the body make up
    A. nuceli B. organisms C. tissues
    Two or more tissues that work together to do a particular job are called
    A. celll B. a muscle C. an organ

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