Are You A Cat Lady?

    Do you like cats?
    A. No B. Hate them C. They’re Okay D. I don’t mind them E. Yes
    Is your Christmas wish list flooded with cat things?
    A. No B. Mostly C. The majority D. Not at all E. Yes
    Do you wish you had a cat?
    A. No B. Maybe C. I’m allergic! D. I have a dog E. Yes
    When you write, is it flooded with cats?
    A. Mostly B. Sometimes C. Yes D. Why would I? E. I hate writing
    Do you think cats are cute?
    A. They’re cute when they’re kittens B. Of course! C. I prefer puppies D. Maybe when they do something funny E. Kind of
    Even if you were allergic, would you still like cats?
    A. Maybe B. Perhaps C. Definitely D. Even if I wasn’t, I would still hate them E. No
    Finally, would you LOVE to have a cat?
    A. 1000% sure B. Nope C. Don’t have a cat, never having one D. Maybe E. I would like it, but I am allergic
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Are You A Cat Lady? (Answer Key)

    Do you like cats?
    A. No B. Hate them C. They’re Okay D. I don’t mind them E. Yes
    Is your Christmas wish list flooded with cat things?
    A. No B. Mostly C. The majority D. Not at all E. Yes
    Do you wish you had a cat?
    A. No B. Maybe C. I’m allergic! D. I have a dog E. Yes
    When you write, is it flooded with cats?
    A. Mostly B. Sometimes C. Yes D. Why would I? E. I hate writing
    Do you think cats are cute?
    A. They’re cute when they’re kittens B. Of course! C. I prefer puppies D. Maybe when they do something funny E. Kind of
    Even if you were allergic, would you still like cats?
    A. Maybe B. Perhaps C. Definitely D. Even if I wasn’t, I would still hate them E. No
    Finally, would you LOVE to have a cat?
    A. 1000% sure B. Nope C. Don’t have a cat, never having one D. Maybe E. I would like it, but I am allergic

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