Y9 Holocaust Check Point

    When did Hitler come to power?
    A. 1943 B. 1913 C. 1933 D. 1923
    Which of the following groups did the Nazis discriminate against?
    A. Disabled B. Aryan C. Romano Gypsies D. Jews
    Which of the following accurately defines anti-semitism?
    A. A hatred towards people who are not Aryan B. A hatred towards Jewish people C. Showing support from Jewish people D. Showing support for Aryan people
    Which of the following accurately defines a scapegoat?
    A. A person who makes a mistake B. A person who never makes any mistakes C. A person who blames others for their mistakes or wrongdoings. D. A person who is blamed for wrongdoings and mistakes of others
    Which of the following accurately defines a ghetto?
    A. The area of a city that Jews were not allowed to live B. A place which was not under command of the Nazis C. An area of a city where the Jews were forced to live. It was often overcrowded. D. An rich affluent area of a city
    Why were the Nazi actions at Chelmno significant?
    A. First gas chambers built B. The most Jews were killed at this camp C. No Jews were killed at this camp D. First experiments with killed Jews using gas vans.
    What was the Wansee Conference ?
    A. The meeting in 1944 to finalise plans to kill the Jerws of Europe using gas chambers B. A meeting in 1942 to finalise plans to to kill the Jews of Europe using gas chambers C. The meeting which planned to force Jews to move to Madagasca D. The meeting which brought the Second World War to an end.
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Y9 Holocaust Check Point (Answer Key)

    When did Hitler come to power?
    A. 1943 B. 1913 C. 1933 D. 1923
    Which of the following groups did the Nazis discriminate against?
    A. Disabled B. Aryan C. Romano Gypsies D. Jews
    Which of the following accurately defines anti-semitism?
    A. A hatred towards people who are not Aryan B. A hatred towards Jewish people C. Showing support from Jewish people D. Showing support for Aryan people
    Which of the following accurately defines a scapegoat?
    A. A person who makes a mistake B. A person who never makes any mistakes C. A person who blames others for their mistakes or wrongdoings. D. A person who is blamed for wrongdoings and mistakes of others
    Which of the following accurately defines a ghetto?
    A. The area of a city that Jews were not allowed to live B. A place which was not under command of the Nazis C. An area of a city where the Jews were forced to live. It was often overcrowded. D. An rich affluent area of a city
    Why were the Nazi actions at Chelmno significant?
    A. First gas chambers built B. The most Jews were killed at this camp C. No Jews were killed at this camp D. First experiments with killed Jews using gas vans.
    What was the Wansee Conference ?
    A. The meeting in 1944 to finalise plans to kill the Jerws of Europe using gas chambers B. A meeting in 1942 to finalise plans to to kill the Jews of Europe using gas chambers C. The meeting which planned to force Jews to move to Madagasca D. The meeting which brought the Second World War to an end.

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