    By what age does a majority of the US have their first drink?
    A. 9 B. 21 C. 30 D. 14
    What are the main ingredients in alcohol?
    A. Carbon and Potassium B. Water and Carbon C. Salt and Magnesium D. Ethanol and Water
    Alcohol is acid in the cavity equation?
    A. True B. False
    Where is a common place to find cancer in the mouth?
    A. On the tooth B. Uvula C. Side of the tongue D. Outside of lip
    What other things does drinking lead to?
    A. All of the above B. Depression C. Obesity D. Other drugs
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QUIZ TIME (Answer Key)

    By what age does a majority of the US have their first drink?
    A. 9 B. 21 C. 30 D. 14
    What are the main ingredients in alcohol?
    A. Carbon and Potassium B. Water and Carbon C. Salt and Magnesium D. Ethanol and Water
    Alcohol is acid in the cavity equation?
    A. True B. False
    Where is a common place to find cancer in the mouth?
    A. On the tooth B. Uvula C. Side of the tongue D. Outside of lip
    What other things does drinking lead to?
    A. All of the above B. Depression C. Obesity D. Other drugs

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