Page 4

Page 4

    This kind of whale has humongous comb-like filters that help it to get food.
    A. Beluga Whale B. Humpback Whale C. Orca D. Baleen whale
    These special organs inside of fish help them to remove oxygen from the water. This is how they breathe.
    A. fins B. gills C. swim bladders D. fish eyes
    These are some examples of cartilaginous fish.
    A. perch, bass, flounder B. sharks, sting rays, lampreys C. blowfish, parrot fish, frogs D. whales and dophins
    These two organs are unique to a birds digestive system, and help them to digest food very efficiently.
    A. lungs and spleen B. kidneys and swim bladders C. crop and gizzard D. heart and lungs
    Which kind of monkeys live in Asia and Africa?
    A. Capuchan monkeys B. White Tailed monkeys C. Old World monkeys D. Great American monkeys
    6. This group of primates has tails.
    A. Stingrays B. Monkeys C. Beavers D. Squirrel
    This line of highly sensitive nerves along a fishes back help them to sense slight changes in current, temperature, and pressure.
    A. lateral line B. spine C. vertebrate D. vertical line
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Page 4

    This kind of whale has humongous comb-like filters that help it to get food.
    A. Beluga Whale B. Humpback Whale C. Orca D. Baleen whale
    These special organs inside of fish help them to remove oxygen from the water. This is how they breathe.
    A. fins B. gills C. swim bladders D. fish eyes
    These are some examples of cartilaginous fish.
    A. perch, bass, flounder B. sharks, sting rays, lampreys C. blowfish, parrot fish, frogs D. whales and dophins
    These two organs are unique to a birds digestive system, and help them to digest food very efficiently.
    A. lungs and spleen B. kidneys and swim bladders C. crop and gizzard D. heart and lungs
    Which kind of monkeys live in Asia and Africa?
    A. Capuchan monkeys B. White Tailed monkeys C. Old World monkeys D. Great American monkeys
    6. This group of primates has tails.
    A. Stingrays B. Monkeys C. Beavers D. Squirrel
    This line of highly sensitive nerves along a fishes back help them to sense slight changes in current, temperature, and pressure.
    A. lateral line B. spine C. vertebrate D. vertical line

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