What Was I Made For?

Choose the lyrics to the song. You may work together and use your music. Due for a grade at the end of class today.

    I used to float...
    A. down the river... B. at the beach... C. don't tell my boyfriend... D. now I just fall down.
    Taking a drive, I was an ideal...
    A. then I got lost... B. I can't drive anymore... C. donuts... D. looked so alive, turns out I'm not real...
    When did it end, all the enjoyment...
    A. I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend... B. now I want tacos... C. I used to know, but I'm not sure now... D. and all that jazz...
    Think I forgot, how to be happy...
    A. don't tell my boyfriend... B. 'cause I... C. I don't know how to feel... D. something I'm not, but something I can be...
    What song do we transition to at the end of this one?
    A. And All That Jazz B. Linger C. Viva La Vida D. I Want It That Way
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What Was I Made For? (Answer Key)

Choose the lyrics to the song. You may work together and use your music. Due for a grade at the end of class today.

    I used to float...
    A. down the river... B. at the beach... C. don't tell my boyfriend... D. now I just fall down.
    Taking a drive, I was an ideal...
    A. then I got lost... B. I can't drive anymore... C. donuts... D. looked so alive, turns out I'm not real...
    When did it end, all the enjoyment...
    A. I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend... B. now I want tacos... C. I used to know, but I'm not sure now... D. and all that jazz...
    Think I forgot, how to be happy...
    A. don't tell my boyfriend... B. 'cause I... C. I don't know how to feel... D. something I'm not, but something I can be...
    What song do we transition to at the end of this one?
    A. And All That Jazz B. Linger C. Viva La Vida D. I Want It That Way

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