Viva La Vida

Choose the lyrics to the song. You may work together and use your music. Due for a grade at the end of class today.

    I used to rule the world...
    A. now in the morning I sleep alone, B. sweep the streets I used to own. C. seas would rise when I gave the word. D. Revolutionaries wait...
    I used to roll the dice...
    A. I held the key... B. Saint Peter won't call my name... C. who would ever want to be king... D. feel the fear in my enemies eyes...
    One minute I held the key...
    A. next the walls were closed on me... B. my castles stand upon pillars of salt... C. I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing... D. sweep the streets I used to own...
    I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing...
    A. I know Saint Peter won't call my name... B. Roman cavalry choirs are singing... C. Woh... D. now in the morning I sleep alone...
    Be my mirror, my sword my shield...
    A. my pants and my socks... B. I know Saint Peter won't call my name... C. never an honest word... D. my missionaries in a foreign field...
    Never an honest word...
    A. because you're a liar... B. Saint Peter won't call my name... C. and that was when I ruled the world... D. be my mirror, my sword...
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Viva La Vida (Answer Key)

Choose the lyrics to the song. You may work together and use your music. Due for a grade at the end of class today.

    I used to rule the world...
    A. now in the morning I sleep alone, B. sweep the streets I used to own. C. seas would rise when I gave the word. D. Revolutionaries wait...
    I used to roll the dice...
    A. I held the key... B. Saint Peter won't call my name... C. who would ever want to be king... D. feel the fear in my enemies eyes...
    One minute I held the key...
    A. next the walls were closed on me... B. my castles stand upon pillars of salt... C. I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing... D. sweep the streets I used to own...
    I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing...
    A. I know Saint Peter won't call my name... B. Roman cavalry choirs are singing... C. Woh... D. now in the morning I sleep alone...
    Be my mirror, my sword my shield...
    A. my pants and my socks... B. I know Saint Peter won't call my name... C. never an honest word... D. my missionaries in a foreign field...
    Never an honest word...
    A. because you're a liar... B. Saint Peter won't call my name... C. and that was when I ruled the world... D. be my mirror, my sword...

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