Ecological Interactions

    What is the primary diet of lions in the wild?
    A. Fruits and Vegetables B. Insects and Small Mammals C. Herbivores such as zebras and antelopes D. Fish and amphibians
    What is the term used to describe the hunting behavior of lions in groups?
    A. Solo hunting B. Pack hunting C. Lone stalking D. Individual predation
    Lions are primarily active during which part of the day?
    A. Night B. Morning C. Afternoon D. Evening
    Which of the following animals is NOT a predator of lions?
    A. Hyenas B. Eagles C. Crocodiles D. Leopards
    What is the term for the social structure of lions
    A. Patriarchy B. Hierarchy C. Matriarchy D. Monarchy
    What role do lionesses typically play in hunting?
    A. They lead the hunt. B. They stay behind to protect the cubs. C. They provide moral support from afar. D. They actively participate in the hunt.
    Which ecological role do lions play in their ecosystem?
    A. B. Primary producers C. Decomposers D. Herbivores
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Ecological Interactions (Answer Key)

    What is the primary diet of lions in the wild?
    A. Fruits and Vegetables B. Insects and Small Mammals C. Herbivores such as zebras and antelopes D. Fish and amphibians
    What is the term used to describe the hunting behavior of lions in groups?
    A. Solo hunting B. Pack hunting C. Lone stalking D. Individual predation
    Lions are primarily active during which part of the day?
    A. Night B. Morning C. Afternoon D. Evening
    Which of the following animals is NOT a predator of lions?
    A. Hyenas B. Eagles C. Crocodiles D. Leopards
    What is the term for the social structure of lions
    A. Patriarchy B. Hierarchy C. Matriarchy D. Monarchy
    What role do lionesses typically play in hunting?
    A. They lead the hunt. B. They stay behind to protect the cubs. C. They provide moral support from afar. D. They actively participate in the hunt.
    Which ecological role do lions play in their ecosystem?
    A. B. Primary producers C. Decomposers D. Herbivores

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