Golden Retrievers

    What are the main colors of golden retrievers?
    A. Red B. Cream C. Golden D. All
    What makes golden retrievers so family friendly?
    A. High energy B. Small size C. Loud barking D. Gentle and patient nature E.
    What is a health condition that golden retrievers are prone to?
    A. Food allergies B. Eye problems C. Skin allergies D. Hip dysplasia
    How often should golden retrievers be brushed to help with shedding?
    A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Every Other Day
    What is a regular grooming need for golden retrievers?
    A. Brushing their teeth B. Trimming their nails C. Trimming their ears D. Clipping their coat
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Golden Retrievers (Answer Key)

    What are the main colors of golden retrievers?
    A. Red B. Cream C. Golden D. All
    What makes golden retrievers so family friendly?
    A. High energy B. Small size C. Loud barking D. Gentle and patient nature E.
    What is a health condition that golden retrievers are prone to?
    A. Food allergies B. Eye problems C. Skin allergies D. Hip dysplasia
    How often should golden retrievers be brushed to help with shedding?
    A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. Every Other Day
    What is a regular grooming need for golden retrievers?
    A. Brushing their teeth B. Trimming their nails C. Trimming their ears D. Clipping their coat

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