Erika's 50th Birthday

How Good of a Mob Wife Are You?

    Roughly translated to English, la cosa nostra means:
    Scarface is loosely based on the life of which real-life figure associated with organized crime?
    A. Pablo Escobar B. Al Capone C. Lucky Luciano D. Meyer Lansky
    What is Tony's wife's name in The Sopranos?
    A. Carmela B. Meadow C. Janice D. Adrianna
    The Godfather is a classic film trilogy directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Who plays the iconic role of Don Vito Corleone in the movies?
    A. Al Pacino B. Robert de Niro C. Joe Pesci D. Marlon Brando
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Erika's 50th Birthday (Answer Key)

How Good of a Mob Wife Are You?

    Roughly translated to English, la cosa nostra means:
    Scarface is loosely based on the life of which real-life figure associated with organized crime?
    A. Pablo Escobar B. Al Capone C. Lucky Luciano D. Meyer Lansky
    What is Tony's wife's name in The Sopranos?
    A. Carmela B. Meadow C. Janice D. Adrianna
    The Godfather is a classic film trilogy directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Who plays the iconic role of Don Vito Corleone in the movies?
    A. Al Pacino B. Robert de Niro C. Joe Pesci D. Marlon Brando

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