Country Code

    You find someone picking flowers on the farm/in the field. Do you?
    A. Politely ask them to stop B. Show them some rarer flowers C. Shout at them D. Call the police
    You see someone straying off the marked path. Do you?
    A. Ignore it B. Think, it's okay, one person won't hurt C. Scream at them to get on the path D. Explain why people should stay on the marked paths
    You see some fox cubs ahead. Do you?
    A. Shout for the rest of the class to come and look B. Walk by quietly and try not to disturb them C. Throw sticks in their direction D. Treat them like a pet
    Someone asks to take photos of nesting birds. Do you?
    A. Help them cut back the bushes so you can see better B. Take the camera away from them C. Try and get the nest down from the tree D. Ask them to photograph the birds away from the nest
    Someone is camping and have lit a fire and then left it. Do you?
    A. Call 999 B. Cook sausages C. Try and put out the fire yourself D. Nothing
    You see some teenagers climbing on a stone wall that doesn't look safe. Do you?
    A. Ask them to stop as this is dangerous. B. Join them C. Nothing D. Stand in their way
    You spot a dog in the field near to the farm animals but no owner in sight. Do you?
    A. Find the owner and ask them to keep the dog on a lead near livestock B. Try and catch the dog C. Stand guard over the farm animals D. Nothing
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Country Code (Answer Key)

    You find someone picking flowers on the farm/in the field. Do you?
    A. Politely ask them to stop B. Show them some rarer flowers C. Shout at them D. Call the police
    You see someone straying off the marked path. Do you?
    A. Ignore it B. Think, it's okay, one person won't hurt C. Scream at them to get on the path D. Explain why people should stay on the marked paths
    You see some fox cubs ahead. Do you?
    A. Shout for the rest of the class to come and look B. Walk by quietly and try not to disturb them C. Throw sticks in their direction D. Treat them like a pet
    Someone asks to take photos of nesting birds. Do you?
    A. Help them cut back the bushes so you can see better B. Take the camera away from them C. Try and get the nest down from the tree D. Ask them to photograph the birds away from the nest
    Someone is camping and have lit a fire and then left it. Do you?
    A. Call 999 B. Cook sausages C. Try and put out the fire yourself D. Nothing
    You see some teenagers climbing on a stone wall that doesn't look safe. Do you?
    A. Ask them to stop as this is dangerous. B. Join them C. Nothing D. Stand in their way
    You spot a dog in the field near to the farm animals but no owner in sight. Do you?
    A. Find the owner and ask them to keep the dog on a lead near livestock B. Try and catch the dog C. Stand guard over the farm animals D. Nothing

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