Ocean Grove Trivia

    What is a group of unicorns known as?
    A. A herd B. A Shimmer C. A crowd D. A rainbow
    Where is it illegal to frown at cows?
    A. Australia B. USA C. Canada D. UK
    Which ancient people invented the toothbrush?
    A. Romans B. Greeks C. Africans D. Egyptians
    Who wrote Pride and Prejudice?
    A. Emily Bronte B. Jane Austen C. Virginia Woolf D. Harper Lee
    The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the United States by which country?
    A. France B. Germany C. Russia D. UK
    6. What is the world's largest desert?
    A. Antarctic B. Sahara C. Arabian D. Gobi
    A wife is legally aloud to kill her husband if he is found cheating on her. Where in the world is this aloud?
    A. Trinidad and Tobago B. Bulgaria C. Hong Kong D. Zimbabwe
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Ocean Grove Trivia (Answer Key)

    What is a group of unicorns known as?
    A. A herd B. A Shimmer C. A crowd D. A rainbow
    Where is it illegal to frown at cows?
    A. Australia B. USA C. Canada D. UK
    Which ancient people invented the toothbrush?
    A. Romans B. Greeks C. Africans D. Egyptians
    Who wrote Pride and Prejudice?
    A. Emily Bronte B. Jane Austen C. Virginia Woolf D. Harper Lee
    The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the United States by which country?
    A. France B. Germany C. Russia D. UK
    6. What is the world's largest desert?
    A. Antarctic B. Sahara C. Arabian D. Gobi
    A wife is legally aloud to kill her husband if he is found cheating on her. Where in the world is this aloud?
    A. Trinidad and Tobago B. Bulgaria C. Hong Kong D. Zimbabwe

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