Soteriology Quiz

Created by tiredmom

Part 1

    What does the component "soterio" mean?
    What does the component "logy" mean?
    A WRONG view of soteriology can result in lost people.
    A. True B. False
    A LOW view of soteriology can result in frustrated Christians.
    A. False B. True
    The word "saved" or "salvation" appears many times in the Bible. However, it does not always mean salvation from sin. List 3 of the other Biblical uses of the term.
    A. ___________________________________ B. ____________________ C. _____________________
    Regarding all "salvations" in the Bible, we can safely say that the ultimate cause is God.
    A. False B. True
    Regarding all "salvations" in the Bible, we can safely say that God savior of everyone and that everyone gets saved.
    A. False B. True
    All the following are TRUE about God's ultimate "salvation" concern, except:
    A. Our need for salvation is based on our desire B. Our need for salvation is rooted in reconciliation C. Our need for salvation is caused by sin D. We are SAVED from just retribution
    God's word is complete and inerrant. He revealed all truth, all knowledge, and all revelalation at the very BEGINNING.
    A. True B. False
    Our need for reconciliation has always been obvioius.
    A. True B. False
    In the earlier parts of the Old Testament, salvation in the afterlife was not always clear.
    A. True B. False
    Throughout all of scripture, the MEANS (the mechanism) of how salvation would take place was always crystal clear.
    A. True B. False
    List two of the common unbiblical views of salvation. Give a brief description.
    A. ______________________________________ B. __________________________________
Answer Key
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Soteriology Quiz (Answer Key)

Created by tiredmom

Part 1

    What does the component "soterio" mean?
    What does the component "logy" mean?
    A WRONG view of soteriology can result in lost people.
    A. True B. False
    A LOW view of soteriology can result in frustrated Christians.
    A. False B. True
    The word "saved" or "salvation" appears many times in the Bible. However, it does not always mean salvation from sin. List 3 of the other Biblical uses of the term.
    A. ___________________________________ B. ____________________ C. _____________________
    Regarding all "salvations" in the Bible, we can safely say that the ultimate cause is God.
    A. False B. True
    Regarding all "salvations" in the Bible, we can safely say that God savior of everyone and that everyone gets saved.
    A. False B. True
    All the following are TRUE about God's ultimate "salvation" concern, except:
    A. Our need for salvation is based on our desire B. Our need for salvation is rooted in reconciliation C. Our need for salvation is caused by sin D. We are SAVED from just retribution
    God's word is complete and inerrant. He revealed all truth, all knowledge, and all revelalation at the very BEGINNING.
    A. True B. False
    Our need for reconciliation has always been obvioius.
    A. True B. False
    In the earlier parts of the Old Testament, salvation in the afterlife was not always clear.
    A. True B. False
    Throughout all of scripture, the MEANS (the mechanism) of how salvation would take place was always crystal clear.
    A. True B. False
    List two of the common unbiblical views of salvation. Give a brief description.
    A. ______________________________________ B. __________________________________

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