Isa's Hyperfixations

    How many minutes is the song “impossible song” by sufjan Stevens?
    A. 16 minutes 35 seconds B. 20 minutes 35 seconds C. 28 minutes 35 seconds D. Wizard of Earthsea E. The dispossessed F. 25 minutes 35 seconds G. The lathe of heaven
    Under Ethel Cain lore, how did Ethel Cain die?
    A. Poisoned B. Buried alive C. She’s still alive D. Celestial pearl danio E. Ember tetra F. Dwarf rasbor G. Cannibalised
    What is Chappel roane’s sexuality
    A. Queer B. Bisexual C. pessimistic het D. Sier E. Hen F. Lesbian G. Em
    What is a pigeon baby called?
    A. squeakers B. scurry’s C. squibbles D. Mali E. Squabs F. Togo G. Senegal
    What is a group of rats called
    A. mischief B. trouble C. pack D. school E. Maratua island F. Sumbawa G. Sulawesi
    How many pet dragons does Daneiris have in game of thrones?
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. Breast growth E. Softening of the skin F. 3 G. fat redistribution
    What country neighbours Djoubouti
    A. Benin B. Honduras C. Eritrea D. Senegal E. Sweden F. Algeria G. Honduras
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Isa's Hyperfixations (Answer Key)

    How many minutes is the song “impossible song” by sufjan Stevens?
    A. 16 minutes 35 seconds B. 20 minutes 35 seconds C. 28 minutes 35 seconds D. Wizard of Earthsea E. The dispossessed F. 25 minutes 35 seconds G. The lathe of heaven
    Under Ethel Cain lore, how did Ethel Cain die?
    A. Poisoned B. Buried alive C. She’s still alive D. Celestial pearl danio E. Ember tetra F. Dwarf rasbor G. Cannibalised
    What is Chappel roane’s sexuality
    A. Queer B. Bisexual C. pessimistic het D. Sier E. Hen F. Lesbian G. Em
    What is a pigeon baby called?
    A. squeakers B. scurry’s C. squibbles D. Mali E. Squabs F. Togo G. Senegal
    What is a group of rats called
    A. mischief B. trouble C. pack D. school E. Maratua island F. Sumbawa G. Sulawesi
    How many pet dragons does Daneiris have in game of thrones?
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. Breast growth E. Softening of the skin F. 3 G. fat redistribution
    What country neighbours Djoubouti
    A. Benin B. Honduras C. Eritrea D. Senegal E. Sweden F. Algeria G. Honduras

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