Boyfriend Quiz

Let's see how good you are

    What food item do I NOT like
    A. Apple B. Peach C. Banana D. Pickle E. Cucumber
    What do I like most about you?
    A. Fat Butt B. Your Authentic Love C. Disney Adult D. Musicality
    Are you the most attractive woman on earth?
    A. Yes B. Yes C. Yes D. Yes E. All of the above
    What am I afraid of?
    A. Bugs B. Vulnerability C. Drowning D. Commitment
    Which of the following is not a life rule of mine?
    A. Always tell the truth even if it's not convenient B. Never break character for anyone C. Always give my best effort 110% percent D. Always help someone if I am in a position to
    What has surprised you the most about our relationship but now you could never go without it?
    What is something I can do better on? I won't get offended
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Boyfriend Quiz (Answer Key)

Let's see how good you are

    What food item do I NOT like
    A. Apple B. Peach C. Banana D. Pickle E. Cucumber
    What do I like most about you?
    A. Fat Butt B. Your Authentic Love C. Disney Adult D. Musicality
    Are you the most attractive woman on earth?
    A. Yes B. Yes C. Yes D. Yes E. All of the above
    What am I afraid of?
    A. Bugs B. Vulnerability C. Drowning D. Commitment
    Which of the following is not a life rule of mine?
    A. Always tell the truth even if it's not convenient B. Never break character for anyone C. Always give my best effort 110% percent D. Always help someone if I am in a position to
    What has surprised you the most about our relationship but now you could never go without it?
    What is something I can do better on? I won't get offended

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