RDA #7

    Free gingiva is also know as _____.
    A. Frenum B. Gingival sulcus C. Stippled D. Attached E. Marginal
    The mucogingival junction is the line of demarcation between the ______ gingiva and _____ mucosa.
    A. Free, Marginal B. Attached, alveolar C. Interdental, alveolar D. None of the above
    The space between the unattached gingiva and the tooth is the _______.
    A. Attached gingiva B. Interdental gingiva C. Gingival sulcus D. Marginal gingiva
    What is the required length when placing a periodontal dressing?
    A. At least 7 mm B. Must extend at least one tooth on either side of the surgical site. C. The shorter the better D. It should extend at least 2 teeth on either side of the surgical site.
    In a healthy mouth, the gingival sulcus space would not exceed millimeters in depth.
    A. 3-5 B. 3-4 C. 2-3 D. 4-5
    which dental specialty deals with the recognition, prevention, and treatment of malalignment and irregularities of the teeth, jaws, and face.
    A. Endodontics B. Periodontics C. Orthodontics D. Oral Surgery
    The Orthodontic team consists of the _______.
    A. Dentist B. Receptionist and business staff C. All the above D. Laboratory technician
Answer Key
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RDA #7 (Answer Key)

    Free gingiva is also know as _____.
    A. Frenum B. Gingival sulcus C. Stippled D. Attached E. Marginal
    The mucogingival junction is the line of demarcation between the ______ gingiva and _____ mucosa.
    A. Free, Marginal B. Attached, alveolar C. Interdental, alveolar D. None of the above
    The space between the unattached gingiva and the tooth is the _______.
    A. Attached gingiva B. Interdental gingiva C. Gingival sulcus D. Marginal gingiva
    What is the required length when placing a periodontal dressing?
    A. At least 7 mm B. Must extend at least one tooth on either side of the surgical site. C. The shorter the better D. It should extend at least 2 teeth on either side of the surgical site.
    In a healthy mouth, the gingival sulcus space would not exceed millimeters in depth.
    A. 3-5 B. 3-4 C. 2-3 D. 4-5
    which dental specialty deals with the recognition, prevention, and treatment of malalignment and irregularities of the teeth, jaws, and face.
    A. Endodontics B. Periodontics C. Orthodontics D. Oral Surgery
    The Orthodontic team consists of the _______.
    A. Dentist B. Receptionist and business staff C. All the above D. Laboratory technician

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