Soteriology Quiz #3

Created by tiredmom

    Although it is wonderful to know that Christ saved us, it is also vital to know HOW Christ saved us. (the mechanism by which we are saved)
    A. false B. true
    The word "atonement" appears 165 times in the OT. The Hebrew word for "atonement" is
    In question #2, you stated the Hebrew word for atonement. What is the root meaning of this word?
    One (inaccurate) theory of atonement is called "Ransom to Satan". This view states that Satan holds people captive and Christ's death pays Satan to release us from his power.
    A. False B. True
    Another (also inaccurate) view of atonement is called "Moral Example", This view holds all the following EXCEPT:
    A. Christ's death is an example of faith and obedience B. We are to follow Christ's example C. Good works are unimportant D. Following Christ's example is the solution for sin
    The central point of the "Moral Example" theory of atonement is that the point of Christ's death was to provide an example for us to be resolved (to the point of death) to stand up for righteousness and truth.
    A. True B. False
    Another name for the "Moral Example" theory of atonement is the "Martyr Theory".
    A. True B. False
    Yet another, inaccurate view of atonement is called the "Moral Influence" theory. All the following statements are true about this theory EXCEPT:
    A. Jesus died as a legal substitute for us B. The primary purpose of Christ's death is demonstration of love C. Sin is painful to God D. Let God's sorrow over sin draw you to improve
    In the "Moral Influence" theory the fact that Jesus died on the cross is a demonstration of God's love for me and THAT should have a transformative influence on me.
    A. True B. False
    The "Moral Influence" theory suggests if Christ's death on the cross was an ATONEMENT for our sins, then Christ's death is a form of cosmic child abuse.
    A. False B. True
    The "Relived/Recapitulated Life" theory of atonement is yet another inaccurate view. This theory largely focuses on Christ's life rather than His death.
    A. True B. False
    The "Governmental/Token Payment" theory espouses that idea that Christ's death was a complete payment for sin. This theory says that Jesus' death paid sin's penalty in full---100%.
    A. True B. False
    The last inaccurate view of atonement that we studied was called "A Statisfaction of God's Honor". All the following are true about this theory EXCEPT:
    A. Jesus death is a payment to satisfy God's honor B. Sin dishonored God's moral dignity C. Jesus death was a legal transaction to pay for sin D. God restored His own honor in Himself in the person of Jesus Christ
    We can easily understand the view of atonement in the NT with the need to understand the OT sacrificial system.
    A. False B. True
    Innocent and perfect animals were sacrificed at the alter in the ancient Jewish tabernacle/temples. The person offering the sacrifice was to lay his/her hands on the head of the animal that was about to be sacrificed. What did that laying of hands mean?
    What does "anti" mean in ancient Greek?
    What does "huper" mean in ancient Greek?
    "Propitiation" means:
    A. God's ability to ignore our sin because of His great love for us B. Satan's attempt to snatch us out of God's hands C. a temporary payment that may appease God D. a suitable payment that satisfies God's justice E. God's payment to Satan to redeem us from captivity
    "Redemption" means all the following EXCEPT:
    A. agorazo: to make a purchase in the slave market B. exagorazo: to purchase OUT of the slave market C. lutrao: to set free by paying a ransom D. phyllo: to satisfy Satans's demands
    The truth is, that God saves us from HIs OWN wrath.
    A. False B. True
    "Reconciliation" means that a barrier is removed to unite two (2) parties.
    A. False B. True
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Soteriology Quiz #3 (Answer Key)

Created by tiredmom

    Although it is wonderful to know that Christ saved us, it is also vital to know HOW Christ saved us. (the mechanism by which we are saved)
    A. false B. true
    The word "atonement" appears 165 times in the OT. The Hebrew word for "atonement" is
    In question #2, you stated the Hebrew word for atonement. What is the root meaning of this word?
    One (inaccurate) theory of atonement is called "Ransom to Satan". This view states that Satan holds people captive and Christ's death pays Satan to release us from his power.
    A. False B. True
    Another (also inaccurate) view of atonement is called "Moral Example", This view holds all the following EXCEPT:
    A. Christ's death is an example of faith and obedience B. We are to follow Christ's example C. Good works are unimportant D. Following Christ's example is the solution for sin
    The central point of the "Moral Example" theory of atonement is that the point of Christ's death was to provide an example for us to be resolved (to the point of death) to stand up for righteousness and truth.
    A. True B. False
    Another name for the "Moral Example" theory of atonement is the "Martyr Theory".
    A. True B. False
    Yet another, inaccurate view of atonement is called the "Moral Influence" theory. All the following statements are true about this theory EXCEPT:
    A. Jesus died as a legal substitute for us B. The primary purpose of Christ's death is demonstration of love C. Sin is painful to God D. Let God's sorrow over sin draw you to improve
    In the "Moral Influence" theory the fact that Jesus died on the cross is a demonstration of God's love for me and THAT should have a transformative influence on me.
    A. True B. False
    The "Moral Influence" theory suggests if Christ's death on the cross was an ATONEMENT for our sins, then Christ's death is a form of cosmic child abuse.
    A. False B. True
    The "Relived/Recapitulated Life" theory of atonement is yet another inaccurate view. This theory largely focuses on Christ's life rather than His death.
    A. True B. False
    The "Governmental/Token Payment" theory espouses that idea that Christ's death was a complete payment for sin. This theory says that Jesus' death paid sin's penalty in full---100%.
    A. True B. False
    The last inaccurate view of atonement that we studied was called "A Statisfaction of God's Honor". All the following are true about this theory EXCEPT:
    A. Jesus death is a payment to satisfy God's honor B. Sin dishonored God's moral dignity C. Jesus death was a legal transaction to pay for sin D. God restored His own honor in Himself in the person of Jesus Christ
    We can easily understand the view of atonement in the NT with the need to understand the OT sacrificial system.
    A. False B. True
    Innocent and perfect animals were sacrificed at the alter in the ancient Jewish tabernacle/temples. The person offering the sacrifice was to lay his/her hands on the head of the animal that was about to be sacrificed. What did that laying of hands mean?
    What does "anti" mean in ancient Greek?
    What does "huper" mean in ancient Greek?
    "Propitiation" means:
    A. God's ability to ignore our sin because of His great love for us B. Satan's attempt to snatch us out of God's hands C. a temporary payment that may appease God D. a suitable payment that satisfies God's justice E. God's payment to Satan to redeem us from captivity
    "Redemption" means all the following EXCEPT:
    A. agorazo: to make a purchase in the slave market B. exagorazo: to purchase OUT of the slave market C. lutrao: to set free by paying a ransom D. phyllo: to satisfy Satans's demands
    The truth is, that God saves us from HIs OWN wrath.
    A. False B. True
    "Reconciliation" means that a barrier is removed to unite two (2) parties.
    A. False B. True

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