Soteriology Quiz #5

Created by tiredmom

    In normal English usage (non-theological), the word "grace" could mean all the following EXCEPT:
    A. Praying before a meal B. Addressing a Duke or Duchess C. Time allowed for late payment without a penalty D. A way to say "thank you" E. A description of elegance
    We are studying the Biblical usage of the word "grace". It can best be defined as "unearned or unmerited_________"
    A. acceptance B. love C. gratitude D. favor E. pardon
    Pastor Mike made a distinction between "common grace" and "saving grace". The definition Pastor Mike provided for "common grace" was which one of the following:
    A. The undeserved good that God variously grants to all people. B. The undeserved good that God rarely grants to some people. C. The well-deserved good that God always grants to all people. D. The well-deserved good that God rarely grants to sinful people.
    God extends common grace precisely equally to each human being. His common grace is 100% equal and even across the board.
    A. False B. True
    The following are aspects of common grace, EXCEPT for:
    A. God guarantees salvation to all B. God is the gracious source of all good C. God graciously gives and sustains life D. For many, God restrains evil actions E. For many, God restrains evil societies
    We also studied "Saving Grace". There are two ways to describe "saving grace". One view is called "Prevenient Grace". This view espouses all the following EXCEPT:
    A. It is "Pre-Regenerate" grace B. It is grace that makes me "holy" before God C. It is grace that makes me "neutral" before God D. It may or may result in conversion E. It makes a response to God possible
    The other view of saving grace is called "Efficacious Grace". All the following is true about efficacious grace EXCEPT:
    A. It is "effective" in bringing about conversion B. It provides an "effectual" calling C. It provides salvific life to dead sinners D. It provides a "completely resistable" drawing to Christ
    Pastor Mike believes that the view of "Efficacious Grace" is the more Biblical view.
    A. True B. False
    We also learned about the "Means of Grace" vs "Sacramentalism". A sacrament is a sacred (holy) ritural depositing grace dispensed by the divinely instituted Church.
    A. True B. False
    The Roman Catholic Church upholds seven sacraments. They include all the following EXCEPT:
    A. Baptism B. Confirmation C. Marriage D. Burial and Resurrection E. Confession (Penance)
    God is completely dependent on human means in order to provide saving grace.
    A. True B. False
    In general, Roman Catholic Church (RCC) believes that God SAVES through sacraments and Protestants believe that God does NOT save through sacraments.
    A. True B. False
    In addition, the RCC views these 7 sacraments as "ex opere operato". This means that the person BENEFITS from the sacrament by the very fact of the sacrament being performed regardless of the person's cognitive ablitities.
    A. True B. False
    "Ex opere operato" is also a Protestant view. There is power sacrament/ritual in and of iteself.
    A. True B. False
    What are the two "sacraments" or "rituals" practiced by most Protestants?
    A. ___________________ B. ______________________
    What are the three (3) major divisions of God's laws? (each division has two names- provide either name)
    A. _____________________ B. ____________________ C. ______________________
    Most Protestants believe there are practices in the Christian life that can be a type of "means of grace". However, this "means of grace" is "sanctifying"----meant to stir up one's faith. Some of these practices include:
    A. preaching B. Lord's supper C. all four listed here D. baptism E. prayer
    Just like Catholics, most Protestants embrace the view of "ex opere operato".
    A. False B. True
    The correct Biblical view is that any practices or rituals that we participate in (such as baptism) should be an external picture of an internal reality.
    A. False B. True
    Three proper uses of God's Law include all EXCEPT:
    A. A measure of holiness B. A personal mirror of sin C. The societal restraint of sin D. A rule of life
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Soteriology Quiz #5 (Answer Key)

Created by tiredmom

    In normal English usage (non-theological), the word "grace" could mean all the following EXCEPT:
    A. Praying before a meal B. Addressing a Duke or Duchess C. Time allowed for late payment without a penalty D. A way to say "thank you" E. A description of elegance
    We are studying the Biblical usage of the word "grace". It can best be defined as "unearned or unmerited_________"
    A. acceptance B. love C. gratitude D. favor E. pardon
    Pastor Mike made a distinction between "common grace" and "saving grace". The definition Pastor Mike provided for "common grace" was which one of the following:
    A. The undeserved good that God variously grants to all people. B. The undeserved good that God rarely grants to some people. C. The well-deserved good that God always grants to all people. D. The well-deserved good that God rarely grants to sinful people.
    God extends common grace precisely equally to each human being. His common grace is 100% equal and even across the board.
    A. False B. True
    The following are aspects of common grace, EXCEPT for:
    A. God guarantees salvation to all B. God is the gracious source of all good C. God graciously gives and sustains life D. For many, God restrains evil actions E. For many, God restrains evil societies
    We also studied "Saving Grace". There are two ways to describe "saving grace". One view is called "Prevenient Grace". This view espouses all the following EXCEPT:
    A. It is "Pre-Regenerate" grace B. It is grace that makes me "holy" before God C. It is grace that makes me "neutral" before God D. It may or may result in conversion E. It makes a response to God possible
    The other view of saving grace is called "Efficacious Grace". All the following is true about efficacious grace EXCEPT:
    A. It is "effective" in bringing about conversion B. It provides an "effectual" calling C. It provides salvific life to dead sinners D. It provides a "completely resistable" drawing to Christ
    Pastor Mike believes that the view of "Efficacious Grace" is the more Biblical view.
    A. True B. False
    We also learned about the "Means of Grace" vs "Sacramentalism". A sacrament is a sacred (holy) ritural depositing grace dispensed by the divinely instituted Church.
    A. True B. False
    The Roman Catholic Church upholds seven sacraments. They include all the following EXCEPT:
    A. Baptism B. Confirmation C. Marriage D. Burial and Resurrection E. Confession (Penance)
    God is completely dependent on human means in order to provide saving grace.
    A. True B. False
    In general, Roman Catholic Church (RCC) believes that God SAVES through sacraments and Protestants believe that God does NOT save through sacraments.
    A. True B. False
    In addition, the RCC views these 7 sacraments as "ex opere operato". This means that the person BENEFITS from the sacrament by the very fact of the sacrament being performed regardless of the person's cognitive ablitities.
    A. True B. False
    "Ex opere operato" is also a Protestant view. There is power sacrament/ritual in and of iteself.
    A. True B. False
    What are the two "sacraments" or "rituals" practiced by most Protestants?
    A. ___________________ B. ______________________
    What are the three (3) major divisions of God's laws? (each division has two names- provide either name)
    A. _____________________ B. ____________________ C. ______________________
    Most Protestants believe there are practices in the Christian life that can be a type of "means of grace". However, this "means of grace" is "sanctifying"----meant to stir up one's faith. Some of these practices include:
    A. preaching B. Lord's supper C. all four listed here D. baptism E. prayer
    Just like Catholics, most Protestants embrace the view of "ex opere operato".
    A. False B. True
    The correct Biblical view is that any practices or rituals that we participate in (such as baptism) should be an external picture of an internal reality.
    A. False B. True
    Three proper uses of God's Law include all EXCEPT:
    A. A measure of holiness B. A personal mirror of sin C. The societal restraint of sin D. A rule of life

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