Reading Comprehension

    What happens to the river at the Dinosaur Valley State Park in Texas, US during the dry weather?
    A. it overflows its banks B. it freezes over C. it dries up or shrinks D. it becomes deeper
    How old are the newly discovered footprints at the park?
    A. 200 million years old B. 113 million years old C. 115 million years old D. 243 million years old
    What happened in the past that caused people to assocaite sneezing with being sick
    A. a widespread famine B. a natural disaster C. a dangerous disease or plague D. a war
    Who helps rescue Fluffy?
    A. Dennis Chamberlain B. Denise Chamberlain C. Hannah Chamberlain D. Derek Chamberlain
    What problem is mentioned about Tiktok in the article "Tiktok and Indonesia's Elections"?
    A. strict censorship policies B. lack of popularity among the youth C. presence of False Information D. slow internet connection
    Why do people say "God Bless You" when someone sneezes these days?
    A. Because it is considered polite or customary B. Because it scares away the evil spirits C. Because it is required by law D. Because it helps prevent the spread of illness
    Where will Fluffy go after being caught?
    A. back to Urswick far, B. to a zoo C. to the rescuer's house D. to a special place for similar animals
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Reading Comprehension (Answer Key)

    What happens to the river at the Dinosaur Valley State Park in Texas, US during the dry weather?
    A. it overflows its banks B. it freezes over C. it dries up or shrinks D. it becomes deeper
    How old are the newly discovered footprints at the park?
    A. 200 million years old B. 113 million years old C. 115 million years old D. 243 million years old
    What happened in the past that caused people to assocaite sneezing with being sick
    A. a widespread famine B. a natural disaster C. a dangerous disease or plague D. a war
    Who helps rescue Fluffy?
    A. Dennis Chamberlain B. Denise Chamberlain C. Hannah Chamberlain D. Derek Chamberlain
    What problem is mentioned about Tiktok in the article "Tiktok and Indonesia's Elections"?
    A. strict censorship policies B. lack of popularity among the youth C. presence of False Information D. slow internet connection
    Why do people say "God Bless You" when someone sneezes these days?
    A. Because it is considered polite or customary B. Because it scares away the evil spirits C. Because it is required by law D. Because it helps prevent the spread of illness
    Where will Fluffy go after being caught?
    A. back to Urswick far, B. to a zoo C. to the rescuer's house D. to a special place for similar animals

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