Soteriology Quiz # 6

Created by tiredmom

    There are "past" and "future" aspects of salvation. OT saints were saved in the "future" and we (modern day) have been saved in the "past".
    A. False B. True
    You might even say that OT saints were saved on the "credit card" and modern day people are saved on the "debit card".
    A. False B. True
    Each and every single component of salvation has been completed and fulfilled.
    A. True B. False
    The "future" component of salvation teaches us that we "will be" saved from the following EXCEPT:
    A. saved from the penalty of sin B. saved from all heartache and pain in this world C. saved from our fallen bodies D. saved from our fallen world
    "Regeneration" is defined as the act of God, based on the work of Christ, granting people "new life" and a reorientation toward God.
    A. True B. False
    Regeneration is optional.
    A. True B. False
    Regeneration is "my decision" but a work of God.
    A. False B. True
    Human beings have the full capacity to believe in Jesus name and draw themselves to Him.
    A. False B. True
    It is entirely possible to have been a Christian since the moment of birth.
    A. False B. True
    "Regneration" is a "newness". It should re-orient my life toward God.
    A. False B. True
    Regneration happens simultaneously with water baptism.
    A. False B. True
    Water baptism is a believers first act of obedience. It an external act of an internal reality. It represents being "placed into" Christ.
    A. True B. False
    "Justification" is the act of God declaring sinners to be righteous before because of their good works.
    A. True B. False
    All the following are true about "justification" EXCEPT:
    A. It is a gracious gift B. It is freely granted to all persons C. It is provided through the work of Christ D. It is provided through the imputation of Christ's righteousness
    "Justified" means "proved to be right".
    A. False B. True
    If I am going to be made right before God and God is going to accept me, then Christ will have to do that work of making me right before God.
    A. True B. False
    To be justified in the eyes of God, it is by Christ alone. But to be justified in the eyes of people, it is by my works.
    A. True B. False
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Soteriology Quiz # 6 (Answer Key)

Created by tiredmom

    There are "past" and "future" aspects of salvation. OT saints were saved in the "future" and we (modern day) have been saved in the "past".
    A. False B. True
    You might even say that OT saints were saved on the "credit card" and modern day people are saved on the "debit card".
    A. False B. True
    Each and every single component of salvation has been completed and fulfilled.
    A. True B. False
    The "future" component of salvation teaches us that we "will be" saved from the following EXCEPT:
    A. saved from the penalty of sin B. saved from all heartache and pain in this world C. saved from our fallen bodies D. saved from our fallen world
    "Regeneration" is defined as the act of God, based on the work of Christ, granting people "new life" and a reorientation toward God.
    A. True B. False
    Regeneration is optional.
    A. True B. False
    Regeneration is "my decision" but a work of God.
    A. False B. True
    Human beings have the full capacity to believe in Jesus name and draw themselves to Him.
    A. False B. True
    It is entirely possible to have been a Christian since the moment of birth.
    A. False B. True
    "Regneration" is a "newness". It should re-orient my life toward God.
    A. False B. True
    Regneration happens simultaneously with water baptism.
    A. False B. True
    Water baptism is a believers first act of obedience. It an external act of an internal reality. It represents being "placed into" Christ.
    A. True B. False
    "Justification" is the act of God declaring sinners to be righteous before because of their good works.
    A. True B. False
    All the following are true about "justification" EXCEPT:
    A. It is a gracious gift B. It is freely granted to all persons C. It is provided through the work of Christ D. It is provided through the imputation of Christ's righteousness
    "Justified" means "proved to be right".
    A. False B. True
    If I am going to be made right before God and God is going to accept me, then Christ will have to do that work of making me right before God.
    A. True B. False
    To be justified in the eyes of God, it is by Christ alone. But to be justified in the eyes of people, it is by my works.
    A. True B. False

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