Winds of Hope

Reading 5th Grade

    What challenge does William face during the drought?
    A. He doesn’t have clothes to wear in the sun. B. His family does not have enough money to pay his school fees. C. He gets lost in field and can’t find his home. D. He fails his classes because he doesn't do his work. E. He collapses due to the heat of the sun.
    What does William do to learn since he cannot attend school?
    A. He steals books from his classmates. B. He asks the neighbor to teach him everything he knows. C. He explores radios, electricity and visits the college library. D. He learns from many shows he sees on Television.
    Why did William hold his breath when he was going to show everyone his windmill?
    A. He had to climb all the way up and he was tired. B. He was nervous and excited because he wanted to show them he was not crazy. C. The windmill was underwater so he couldn't breathe. D. He was afraid to get hurt when it turned on.
    What grade was William in when he made his windmill?
    A. Kinder B. He was in eighth grade C. Fifth Grade D. He was in college
    Which sentence from the story proves William wants to help others.
    A. He added a storage battery with homemade switches and a circuit breaker. B. A month later he found enough wire to reach from the windmill to his house C. Shoppers, traders and farmers could see William's windmill from the local market. D. William is dedicated to bringing wind and solar powered electricity and water pumps to impoverished villages.
    Which one of the following is NOT a consequence of the drought for William and his family. (Page 38 and 39)
    A. Their maize was dry. B. There was not enough money to pay for William's school. C. They had to plant lettuce instead of maize. D. William's family almost starved because they had less than one meal per day.
    How did William think the windmill could help his family?
    A. The windmill would create wind and help the clothes dry faster. B. He would be able to see people in town from the top of the windmill. C. The windmill could power light bulbs and help them pump water if another drought came. D. His family could charge other families money to use the electricity.
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Winds of Hope (Answer Key)

Reading 5th Grade

    What challenge does William face during the drought?
    A. He doesn’t have clothes to wear in the sun. B. His family does not have enough money to pay his school fees. C. He gets lost in field and can’t find his home. D. He fails his classes because he doesn't do his work. E. He collapses due to the heat of the sun.
    What does William do to learn since he cannot attend school?
    A. He steals books from his classmates. B. He asks the neighbor to teach him everything he knows. C. He explores radios, electricity and visits the college library. D. He learns from many shows he sees on Television.
    Why did William hold his breath when he was going to show everyone his windmill?
    A. He had to climb all the way up and he was tired. B. He was nervous and excited because he wanted to show them he was not crazy. C. The windmill was underwater so he couldn't breathe. D. He was afraid to get hurt when it turned on.
    What grade was William in when he made his windmill?
    A. Kinder B. He was in eighth grade C. Fifth Grade D. He was in college
    Which sentence from the story proves William wants to help others.
    A. He added a storage battery with homemade switches and a circuit breaker. B. A month later he found enough wire to reach from the windmill to his house C. Shoppers, traders and farmers could see William's windmill from the local market. D. William is dedicated to bringing wind and solar powered electricity and water pumps to impoverished villages.
    Which one of the following is NOT a consequence of the drought for William and his family. (Page 38 and 39)
    A. Their maize was dry. B. There was not enough money to pay for William's school. C. They had to plant lettuce instead of maize. D. William's family almost starved because they had less than one meal per day.
    How did William think the windmill could help his family?
    A. The windmill would create wind and help the clothes dry faster. B. He would be able to see people in town from the top of the windmill. C. The windmill could power light bulbs and help them pump water if another drought came. D. His family could charge other families money to use the electricity.

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