Troubleshooting EDBC

    What does EDBC stand for in the context of CalSAWS?
    A. Electronic Data Base Calculation B. Eligibility and Benefit Data Coordination C. Electronic Benefits and Data Calculation D. Eligibility Determination and Benefit Calculation
    Which of the following is a common reason for EDBC calculation errors?
    A. System update patches B. High network traffic C. Incorrect data entry of household members D. User interface design changes
    True or False: EDBC errors are often due to missing or incorrect income information.
    A. False B. True
    True or False: CalSAWS provides real-time error messages that help identify issues with EDBC calculations.
    A. False B. True
    True or False: Reprocessing a case will always resolve EDBC errors.
    A. False B. True
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Troubleshooting EDBC (Answer Key)

    What does EDBC stand for in the context of CalSAWS?
    A. Electronic Data Base Calculation B. Eligibility and Benefit Data Coordination C. Electronic Benefits and Data Calculation D. Eligibility Determination and Benefit Calculation
    Which of the following is a common reason for EDBC calculation errors?
    A. System update patches B. High network traffic C. Incorrect data entry of household members D. User interface design changes
    True or False: EDBC errors are often due to missing or incorrect income information.
    A. False B. True
    True or False: CalSAWS provides real-time error messages that help identify issues with EDBC calculations.
    A. False B. True
    True or False: Reprocessing a case will always resolve EDBC errors.
    A. False B. True

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