1994 Reunion

    Which was released in 1994?
    A. SEGA Dreamcast B. Playstation 1 C. Super Nintendo D. Gameboy
    Who said life is like a box of chocolates?
    A. B. Edward Scissorhands C. Forrest Gump D. Michael Corleone
    What happened to Nancy Kerrigan?
    A. Got clubbed B.
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1994 Reunion (Answer Key)

    Which was released in 1994?
    A. SEGA Dreamcast B. Playstation 1 C. Super Nintendo D. Gameboy
    Who said life is like a box of chocolates?
    A. B. Edward Scissorhands C. Forrest Gump D. Michael Corleone
    What happened to Nancy Kerrigan?
    A. Got clubbed B.

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