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Lesson 4 Flying Factuals
How does a bird steer while flying?
A. With a steering wheel
B. It uses its tail and wings
C. With its head
D. With its wings
E. They are small
F. They are heavy
G. They dont have any bones
Why do birds glide?
A. They are lazy
B. They just took off
C. To search for food and to save energy
D. They fell asleep
E. Bird muscles
F. Wing muscles
G. Heavy Muscles
Why do birds flap their wings?
A. To look pretty
B. To say hello
C. To land
D. To speed up
E. Flight bone
F. Fly bone
G. Ham bone
What do birds follow to know where to go when they migrate?
A. telephones
B. people
C. water
D. The sun, stars and magnetic fields
E. Downstroke
F. Flight stroke
G. steering stroke
What is it called when birds fly together to migrate?
A. A group
B. Friends
C. A Party
D. Upstroke
E. Flight stroke
F. Landing stroke
G. A Flock
How does a bird get its energy to fly?
A. By doing exercises
B. By the food it eats
C. running
D. walking
E. Jumps off a branch or cliff
F. Runs
G. walk
Why don't some birds migrate?
A. They are able to survive the cold weather and eat the limited food that is available
B. They dont have wings
C. They like the cold weather
D. They don't want to because they are lazy
E. They jump up and take off
F. walk
G. They don't takeoff
Lesson 4 Flying Factuals
(Answer Key)
How does a bird steer while flying?
A. With a steering wheel
B. It uses its tail and wings
C. With its head
D. With its wings
E. They are small
F. They are heavy
G. They dont have any bones
Why do birds glide?
A. They are lazy
B. They just took off
C. To search for food and to save energy
D. They fell asleep
E. Bird muscles
F. Wing muscles
G. Heavy Muscles
Why do birds flap their wings?
A. To look pretty
B. To say hello
C. To land
D. To speed up
E. Flight bone
F. Fly bone
G. Ham bone
What do birds follow to know where to go when they migrate?
A. telephones
B. people
C. water
D. The sun, stars and magnetic fields
E. Downstroke
F. Flight stroke
G. steering stroke
What is it called when birds fly together to migrate?
A. A group
B. Friends
C. A Party
D. Upstroke
E. Flight stroke
F. Landing stroke
G. A Flock
How does a bird get its energy to fly?
A. By doing exercises
B. By the food it eats
C. running
D. walking
E. Jumps off a branch or cliff
F. Runs
G. walk
Why don't some birds migrate?
A. They are able to survive the cold weather and eat the limited food that is available
B. They dont have wings
C. They like the cold weather
D. They don't want to because they are lazy
E. They jump up and take off
F. walk
G. They don't takeoff