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Denial of Rights
Created by DKolman
If a conserved patient requires a physical restraint for approved prescribed medication, do we need to log it on the chemical restraint log?
True or false a seclusion is only used to prevent imminent danger to self or others?
What needs to happen if moving from a physical restraint to a seclusion?
Completion of seclusion and observation record documenting is?
A. 30 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 10 minutes
E. 15 minutes
True or false telephone orders must be obtained from the physician within 24 hours of starts of DOR?
True or false physician must sign the DOR order or orders within 5 days
True or False reasonable attempts must be made to explain to person served the reason for seclusion or restraints
Follow-up for a denial of rights includes
A. Notify leadership and AOC
B. Complete risk assessment note in PCC and link to BIRP note
C. Debrief with all staff involved in incident
D. Nursing to assess for any injuries
E. Thorough completion of denial of rights and chemical restraints log (if applicable)
F. Complete behavior note in BIRP format
G. Update care plan/safety plan accordingly
Types of denial of rights orders are:
A. Seclusion
B. Mail
C. Personal Belongings
D. Physical Restraints
E. Phone Calls
True of false nursing notes are to be completed every hour the person served is in seclusion providing medical assessment and ongoing justification for DOR
True or false there is an electronic debriefing form in PCC for person served
True or False a physical restraint cannot exceed 24 hours
True or False direct face to face observation of person served at all times or every 15 minutes
True oe False a DOR for personal belongings , mail, visitors , etc. are written for a maximum of 15 days
What paperwork is scanned into the medical records?
Denial of Rights
(Answer Key)
Created by DKolman
If a conserved patient requires a physical restraint for approved prescribed medication, do we need to log it on the chemical restraint log?
No only the physical restraint log needs to be completed.
True or false a seclusion is only used to prevent imminent danger to self or others?
What needs to happen if moving from a physical restraint to a seclusion?
A separate denial of rights order is needed and the reason for the seclusion is to be documented.
Completion of seclusion and observation record documenting is?
A. 30 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 10 minutes
E. 15 minutes
True or false telephone orders must be obtained from the physician within 24 hours of starts of DOR?
True or false physician must sign the DOR order or orders within 5 days
True or False reasonable attempts must be made to explain to person served the reason for seclusion or restraints
Follow-up for a denial of rights includes
A. Notify leadership and AOC
B. Complete risk assessment note in PCC and link to BIRP note
C. Debrief with all staff involved in incident
D. Nursing to assess for any injuries
E. Thorough completion of denial of rights and chemical restraints log (if applicable)
F. Complete behavior note in BIRP format
G. Update care plan/safety plan accordingly
Types of denial of rights orders are:
A. Seclusion
B. Mail
C. Personal Belongings
D. Physical Restraints
E. Phone Calls
True of false nursing notes are to be completed every hour the person served is in seclusion providing medical assessment and ongoing justification for DOR
True or false there is an electronic debriefing form in PCC for person served
True it is under assessments
True or False a physical restraint cannot exceed 24 hours
True or False direct face to face observation of person served at all times or every 15 minutes
True oe False a DOR for personal belongings , mail, visitors , etc. are written for a maximum of 15 days
False-30 days
What paperwork is scanned into the medical records?
ALL physician orders, seclusion and observation, debriefing for staff