Badminton Quiz

    In badminton, if Team A starts with the birdie do they get a second server?
    A. Yes B. No C. Yes, If the first server fails to score a point
    In doubles badminton which player on Team A gets to serve first?
    A. The player on the left B. Whoever did not serve last C. The player on the right
    In badminton, the boundary lines are always considers to be what.
    A. Out of bounds B. In bounds C. In bounds on Serves only
    When going from the first server to the second server, are any points scored
    A. Yes, the opponent gets 1 point B. No C. Yes, if your team is behind
    When are the short service line and midline considered out of bounds
    A. On the serve and first return B. On the serve only C. Never, its only where the server needs to start
    On a serve, where must contact happen with the birde
    A. Below the waist B. Below the top of the net C. Below the chest
    Where should you serve when it is your turn
    A. Anywhere inside the boundary B. To the opponent across from you C. To the opponent diagonal from you
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Badminton Quiz (Answer Key)

    In badminton, if Team A starts with the birdie do they get a second server?
    A. Yes B. No C. Yes, If the first server fails to score a point
    In doubles badminton which player on Team A gets to serve first?
    A. The player on the left B. Whoever did not serve last C. The player on the right
    In badminton, the boundary lines are always considers to be what.
    A. Out of bounds B. In bounds C. In bounds on Serves only
    When going from the first server to the second server, are any points scored
    A. Yes, the opponent gets 1 point B. No C. Yes, if your team is behind
    When are the short service line and midline considered out of bounds
    A. On the serve and first return B. On the serve only C. Never, its only where the server needs to start
    On a serve, where must contact happen with the birde
    A. Below the waist B. Below the top of the net C. Below the chest
    Where should you serve when it is your turn
    A. Anywhere inside the boundary B. To the opponent across from you C. To the opponent diagonal from you

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