222 Trained Week Three Quiz

    What does an RPE of 5-6 mean?
    A. Too easy for lifting B. Warmup weight C. Could do four more reps D. Cannot do 1 more rep
    What attachment do we use for the overhead tricep extension?
    A. Straight bar B. Row C. Lat pulldown D. Rope
    Which of these are not part of our checklist when going through a movement?
    A. Failure B. Hands and feet C. Breath and bracing D. Tempo
    What term represents actively moving the weight to feel a contraction in a specific muscle or mucle group?
    A. Tempo B. Time under tension C. Rate of perceived exertion D. Mind to mucle connection
    When doing a pull-up, what is the number one thing to focus on?
    A. Scrunching your shoulders B. Getting your chin over the bar C. Not swinging your body D. Pulling the bar towards your chest/breaking the bar
    What is a good tempo for time under tension?
    A. 2-0-2-0 B. 1-1-1-1 C. 4-2-4-2 D. 2-2-2-2
    What movement is Jordan demoing?
    A. Romanian deadlift B. Deadlift C. Hack squat D. Bent over row
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222 Trained Week Three Quiz (Answer Key)

    What does an RPE of 5-6 mean?
    A. Too easy for lifting B. Warmup weight C. Could do four more reps D. Cannot do 1 more rep
    What attachment do we use for the overhead tricep extension?
    A. Straight bar B. Row C. Lat pulldown D. Rope
    Which of these are not part of our checklist when going through a movement?
    A. Failure B. Hands and feet C. Breath and bracing D. Tempo
    What term represents actively moving the weight to feel a contraction in a specific muscle or mucle group?
    A. Tempo B. Time under tension C. Rate of perceived exertion D. Mind to mucle connection
    When doing a pull-up, what is the number one thing to focus on?
    A. Scrunching your shoulders B. Getting your chin over the bar C. Not swinging your body D. Pulling the bar towards your chest/breaking the bar
    What is a good tempo for time under tension?
    A. 2-0-2-0 B. 1-1-1-1 C. 4-2-4-2 D. 2-2-2-2
    What movement is Jordan demoing?
    A. Romanian deadlift B. Deadlift C. Hack squat D. Bent over row

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