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Erythroblastosis Fetalis
Created by HunterPogue1228
True or False : If large numbers of antibodies are present, the infant may be severely anemic
A. False
B. True
RhoGAM is given to the mother within ___ hours of delivery of a Rh-positive infant
A. 24
B. 48
C. 72
D. 12
E. 84
True or False : Signs of hydrops fetalis are Swelling and Fluid buildup in a newborn's abdomen and between essential organs.
A. False
B. True
True or False : Phototherapy is treatment with a special type of light.
A. False
B. True
During an exchange infusion, how much blood is withdrawn from the umbilical cord?
A. (10-20 mL)
B. (5-10 mL)
C. (3-5 mL)
D. (15-20 mL)
E. (12-15 mL)
True or False : Erythroblastosis Fetalis is caused when a Rh-negative mother and a Rh-negative father produce an Rh-positive fetus
A. False
B. True
Review of Hunter's Presentation : Did you like Hunter's presentation (Please be honest....I can take criticism)
A. Wow, that was the best presentation I've ever experienced!
B. It was awesome! I wish my presentation was that good!
C. Very good presentation! Wow!
D. YES! That presentation was AMAZING!
E. Amazing job! WOW!
Erythroblastosis Fetalis
(Answer Key)
Created by HunterPogue1228
True or False : If large numbers of antibodies are present, the infant may be severely anemic
A. False
B. True
RhoGAM is given to the mother within ___ hours of delivery of a Rh-positive infant
A. 24
B. 48
C. 72
D. 12
E. 84
True or False : Signs of hydrops fetalis are Swelling and Fluid buildup in a newborn's abdomen and between essential organs.
A. False
B. True
True or False : Phototherapy is treatment with a special type of light.
A. False
B. True
During an exchange infusion, how much blood is withdrawn from the umbilical cord?
A. (10-20 mL)
B. (5-10 mL)
C. (3-5 mL)
D. (15-20 mL)
E. (12-15 mL)
True or False : Erythroblastosis Fetalis is caused when a Rh-negative mother and a Rh-negative father produce an Rh-positive fetus
A. False
B. True
Review of Hunter's Presentation : Did you like Hunter's presentation (Please be honest....I can take criticism)
A. Wow, that was the best presentation I've ever experienced!
B. It was awesome! I wish my presentation was that good!
C. Very good presentation! Wow!
D. YES! That presentation was AMAZING!
E. Amazing job! WOW!