Black History Month Trivia

    where did Martin Luther King deliver his I have a dream speec
    A. Washington DC B. Atlanta GA C. Memphis TN
    Which of the following is Maya Angelou's first body of work?
    A. I know why he caged bird sings B. The heart of a woman C. A song flung up to heaven
    Who was the first African American model to be featured on the cover of the GQ magazine?
    A. Naomi Campbell B. Tyra Banks C. Iman
    Who was the first black woman to serve as a US Supreme Court Justice?
    A. Shirley Chisholm B. Ketanji Brown C. Carol Moseley Braun
    At what age did Serena Williams win her first U.S. open?
    A. 20 B. 17 C. 22
    Richard Potter became America's first black celebrity in the early 1800s as a...
    A. singer B. abolitionist speaker C. Magician and Ventriloquist D. singer E. abolitionist speaker
    Who was the first African American Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court?
    A. Thurgood Marshall B. Clarence Thomas C. W.E.B. DuBois
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Black History Month Trivia (Answer Key)

    where did Martin Luther King deliver his I have a dream speec
    A. Washington DC B. Atlanta GA C. Memphis TN
    Which of the following is Maya Angelou's first body of work?
    A. I know why he caged bird sings B. The heart of a woman C. A song flung up to heaven
    Who was the first African American model to be featured on the cover of the GQ magazine?
    A. Naomi Campbell B. Tyra Banks C. Iman
    Who was the first black woman to serve as a US Supreme Court Justice?
    A. Shirley Chisholm B. Ketanji Brown C. Carol Moseley Braun
    At what age did Serena Williams win her first U.S. open?
    A. 20 B. 17 C. 22
    Richard Potter became America's first black celebrity in the early 1800s as a...
    A. singer B. abolitionist speaker C. Magician and Ventriloquist D. singer E. abolitionist speaker
    Who was the first African American Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court?
    A. Thurgood Marshall B. Clarence Thomas C. W.E.B. DuBois

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