
    Where is your pledge daddy from?
    A. Dallas B. Fort Worth C. Houston D. San Antonio E. Nigga
    What is Freaky George Majoring in?
    A. Music Performance B. Music Education C. Music Composition D. BA Music E. Conducting
    What is the product of a double halogenation reaction in basic conditions?
    A. A cis alkane B. No reaction C. Sys alkane D. Oxymercurated alkane E. Double Alkene
    Is Dan’s sister hot?
    A. No B. Only for julian C. nah, dans my bro D. Yes E. most def
    Who is the ugliest pledge?
    A. Dan B. Alan C. Joseph D. George E. Ayden F. Jacob G. Angel
    If you were an STD, what would you be and why?
    How often do you jerk off?
    A. 1x per day B. 1x per week C. 1x per hour D. 1x per minute E. Currently edging
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Pledge (Answer Key)

    Where is your pledge daddy from?
    A. Dallas B. Fort Worth C. Houston D. San Antonio E. Nigga
    What is Freaky George Majoring in?
    A. Music Performance B. Music Education C. Music Composition D. BA Music E. Conducting
    What is the product of a double halogenation reaction in basic conditions?
    A. A cis alkane B. No reaction C. Sys alkane D. Oxymercurated alkane E. Double Alkene
    Is Dan’s sister hot?
    A. No B. Only for julian C. nah, dans my bro D. Yes E. most def
    Who is the ugliest pledge?
    A. Dan B. Alan C. Joseph D. George E. Ayden F. Jacob G. Angel
    If you were an STD, what would you be and why?
    How often do you jerk off?
    A. 1x per day B. 1x per week C. 1x per hour D. 1x per minute E. Currently edging

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