Pattern of Circulation in the Atmosphere

    What is wind?
    A. The rotation of the Earth around the Sun. B. The flow of water in rivers and oceans. C. The heat energy from the Sun absorbed by the ground. D. is the movement of air parallel to Earth's Surface.
    What are the two types of local winds?
    A. Jet stream and monsoon B. Trade winds and westerlies C. Land breeze and sea breeze D. Cyclones and anticyclones
    If Earth did not rotate on its axis how would global winds blow.
    A. There would be no winds at all B. In circular patterns around high-pressure systems C. Straight lines D. In curved paths due to the Coriolis effect
    How are winds named?
    A. Based on the time of day they occur B. Based on the direction they are blowing toward C. using the direction from the which they orignate and thier speed. D. Based on their speed and temperature
    What is a jet stream.
    A. A strong ocean current that affects climate B. A local wind that changes direction daily C. bands of high speed winds D. A type of storm system that forms over land
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Pattern of Circulation in the Atmosphere (Answer Key)

    What is wind?
    A. The rotation of the Earth around the Sun. B. The flow of water in rivers and oceans. C. The heat energy from the Sun absorbed by the ground. D. is the movement of air parallel to Earth's Surface.
    What are the two types of local winds?
    A. Jet stream and monsoon B. Trade winds and westerlies C. Land breeze and sea breeze D. Cyclones and anticyclones
    If Earth did not rotate on its axis how would global winds blow.
    A. There would be no winds at all B. In circular patterns around high-pressure systems C. Straight lines D. In curved paths due to the Coriolis effect
    How are winds named?
    A. Based on the time of day they occur B. Based on the direction they are blowing toward C. using the direction from the which they orignate and thier speed. D. Based on their speed and temperature
    What is a jet stream.
    A. A strong ocean current that affects climate B. A local wind that changes direction daily C. bands of high speed winds D. A type of storm system that forms over land

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