Rounding Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Zoller School has a total 542 students. Rounded to the nearest ten, about how many students go to Zoller School? 540 (wrong answers: 500, 550, 530)
  2. The Klines are taking a car trip. They will drive 365 miles to visit family members in Maine. To the nearest hundred, about how many miles will the Klines drive? 400 (wrong answers: 370, 300, 360)
  3. Round 253 to the nearest tens. 250 (wrong answers: 350, 240, 300)
  4. Round 817 to the nearest hundreds. 800 (wrong answers: 700, 810, 710)
  5. What is 781 rounded to the nearest tens? 780 (wrong answers: 800, 600, 770)

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