Christmas Quiz 2018 3

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Who kept time with the "Little Drummer Boy"? The Ox and the Lamb (wrong answers: The Donkey and the Goat, The Horse and the Lamb, The Sun and the Moon, The Iphone Watch)
  2. What Christmas food is made from "marsh-whorts"? Cranberry sauce (wrong answers: Stuffing, Sweet Potatoes, Marshmallows , Gravy)
  3. Which continent is the turkey from? North America (wrong answers: South America, Australia , Europe , Antarctica)
  4. Which country did the gingerbread house come from? Germany (wrong answers: Austria, Switzerland, United States, Britain)
  5. Which reindeer is Rudolph's dad? Donner (wrong answers: Dancer , Blitzen, Dixon, Ralph)
  6. Good day, eh? What do Bob and Doug McKenzie give and get on the first day of Christmas? A Beer (wrong answers: A Toque, Back Bacon, A Turttleneck, French Toast)
  7. Which of these famous people was born on Christmas Day? Robert Ripley (wrong answers: Stephen King, Barack Obama, Prince Charles, Donald Trump)

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