Atmospheric Circulation and Characteristics of the Atmosphere
Created by dbhadden3
Horse latitudes are what type of winds?
Curving of the air and water on earth.
What are the doldrums?
A narrow band of strong winds that blow in the upper troposphere.
What causes local winds?
Prevailing winds that blow from the east to the west between 60 degrees and 90 degrees latitude in both
What is a sea breeze?
Prevailing winds that blow towards the land.he west to east between 30 degrees and 60 degrees latitude in both hemispheres.he west between 30 degrees 60 degrees latitude in both hemispheres.
What are mountain breezes?
At night cold air from the mountain sinks towards the ground.t blow towards the land.from 30 degrees latitude to the equator in both hemispheres.
What is a valley breeze?
The warm air that goes up the mountain during the day.surround the Earth.
What is the Jet stream?
This wind can be as fast as 300 mph.