Oceanography Exam 2

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Most ocean waves form as a result of ________. winds blowing across the ocean surface (wrong answers: density differences between water layers , Earth's rotation , landslides , seismic events )
  2. An internal wave might form ________. at a density boundary within the ocean (wrong answers: at the boundary between the ocean and the seafloor , close to shore as it moves into shallow water , only as a result of tidal activity , at the boundary between the atmosphere and the ocean )
  3. Water waves are ________. orbital waves (wrong answers: capillary waves , refracted waves , transverse waves , longitudinal waves )
  4. The ratio of wave height to wavelength is called the ________. wave steepness (wrong answers: wave height , frequency , period, wavelength )
  5. The time between two successive waves is called the ________. period (wrong answers: trough, crest , frequency, height)
  6. The circular motion of water molecules extends to a depth that is equal to ________. wavelength/2 (wrong answers: wavelength/wave height , wavelength/20 , wave height/wavelength )
  7. The diameter of a wave orbital at the surface is equal to ________. wave height (wrong answers: wavelength, wavelength/wave period , wave period , wave height/wavelength )
  8. A deep-water wave occurs when the water depth is equal to at least ________. 1/2 of the wavelength (wrong answers: wave height , wavelength, 1/20 of the wavelength , the fetch )
  9. The speed of a deep-water wave is proportional to ________. wavelength (wrong answers: wave height , water depth , wave frequency , wave speed or celerity )
  10. The speed of a shallow-water wave is proportional to ________. water depth (wrong answers: wavelength, wave frequency , wave height , wave period )
  11. The height of a wave depends upon ________. fetch, wind duration, and wind speed (wrong answers: fetch and wind speed , wind duration and wind speed , fetch, wind duration )
  12. The fetch refers to ________. the distance over which the wind blows without interruption (wrong answers: a method of shoreline erosion control , the distance between the trough of a wave and the still water level , the circular pattern made by water particles when a wave passes )
  13. Waves that are moving faster than local wind and are sorted out by wavelength are called ________. swell (wrong answers: surf, wind waves , constructive waves )
  14. Constructive interference results in larger waves whereas destructive interference produces ________. smaller waves (wrong answers: rouge waves , capillary waves , tsunamis , swells )
  15. As a wave begins to feel bottom near a shoreline, its wave height ________. increases and its wavelength decreases (wrong answers: increases and its wavelength remains the same , decreases and its wavelength increases , increases and its frequency decreases , decreases and its steepness decreases )
  16. Waves in the surf zone begin to behave like shallow-water waves when ________. water depth = wavelength/20 (wrong answers: distance from shore < wavelength , water depth = wave height , steepness = 1:7 , wavelength < wave height )
  17. Waves converge on headlands due to ________. wave refraction (wrong answers: constructive interference , wave diffraction , destructive interference , wave reflection )
  18. Which of the following, from earliest to latest, represents the typical wave formation? Sea, swell, surf (wrong answers: Surf, swell, sea , Swell, sea, surf , Sea, surf, swell , Surf, sea, swell )
  19. A tsunami may result from ________. tectonic activity on the seafloor (wrong answers: a storm surge , constructive wave interference , a large deep-water wave , an intense storm )
  20. Based on the graph, a deep-water wave with a period of 16 seconds should have a speed of ________ meters per second and a wavelength of ________ meters. 25.0; 400 (wrong answers: 22.0; 300 , 27.0; 500 , 18.0; 200 )

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