
Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Your teacher is working with a student. You don't understand a question on your worksheet. Do you... wait patiently for the teacher to be available before asking your question (wrong answers: Go over to the teacher and immediately say you don't understand)
  2. You're playing soccer at recess. Someone says, "I bet you can't kick the ball onto the school roof!" Do you... keep playing the game (don't kick the ball onto the roof) (wrong answers: kick the ball as hard as you can, hoping it reaches the roof)
  3. You're talking about the math test on the bus. A classmate calls you dumb for not scoring as high as them. Do you... tell them that they hurt your feelings (wrong answers: retaliate (make fun of them back))
  4. It's getting close to the end of the day and normally the class plays a game, but the teacher is still teaching math. Do you... focus on the lesson, maybe you're not going to play a game today (wrong answers: interrupt the lesson to remind the teacher that it's normally game time)
  5. You're playing a game and having a lot of fun. It's getting late and you have school tomorrow. Do you... find a good place to stop and head to bed, you can always play more tomorrow (wrong answers: keep playing, you'll be exhausted at school tomorrow but whatever, keep going, you'll be exhausted at school tomorrow but whatever)
  6. You finish your work early and there's a lot of blank space at the bottom. Do you... wait patiently for instructions on what to do next (wrong answers: get out your art supplies and draw in the blank space)
  7. You forgot your lunch box in the classroom and you have to go get it during recess. Do you... walk through the halls, other classes are learning and you won't miss much recess (wrong answers: run through the halls, you want to get back to recess as soon as possible)

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