Civil War Quiz 1B

Created by Carrie 3272

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. The first federal income tax was passed to help pay for which war? (wrong answers: Civil War, World War II, War of 1812, Spanish-American War)
  2. When did the bombardment of Fort Sumter start? (wrong answers: April 12, 1861, April 9, 1863, May 1, 1862, July 4, 1863)
  3. What day did South Carolina secede from the Union? (wrong answers: September 22, 1862, May 12, 1865, July 1, 1863, December 20, 1860)
  4. What was the date of the surrender at Appomattox Court House? (wrong answers: April 12, 1861, April 9, 1865, May 12, 1865, May 1, 1862)
  5. The Civil War Started in_____? (wrong answers: 1861, 1965, 1800, 1776)
  6. California entered the United States as a Free State (wrong answers: True, False)
  7. New Mexico and Utah adopted ________ to allow their citizens to vote for or against slavery. (wrong answers: Popular Sovereignty, Secession, Compromise of 1850, The Wilmot Proviso)
  8. The major cash crop in the southern United States was _______. (wrong answers: beef, pork, fish, cotton)
  9. Who were the people who wanted to abolish slavery? (wrong answers: Fire Eaters, Abolitionists, Unionists, Segregationists)
  10. Vicksburg fell on what day? (wrong answers: November 15, 1864, May 1, 1862, July 4, 1863, April, 12, 1861)
  11. The Civil War Ended in? (wrong answers: 1865, 1854, 1900, 1800)
  12. What is the period after the Civil War known as?
  13. What African American regiment was best known in the Civil War? (wrong answers: The Virginia 32nd, The Massachusetts Regiment, The Massachusetts 54th, The Massachusetts 53rd)
  14. Who created the compromise of 1850 to settle the controversy between free and slave states? (wrong answers: Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Stephen Douglas)
  15. The first battle of Bull Run was fought on what day? (wrong answers: July 4, 1863, May 12, 1865, April 9, 1862, July 21, 1861)

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