Being Catholic Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. The Bible is also known as Sacred Scripture (wrong answers: Harry Potter, Book of Answers, Old Testament)
  2. This separated us from God Original Sin (wrong answers: COVID 19, Sports, Devil)
  3. Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son (wrong answers: Quarterback for the Giants, A Prophet, A good man)
  4. The Holy Spirit is The Third Person in the Blessed Trinity (wrong answers: A ghost, Not real, Jesus)
  5. Worship is Communal prayer (wrong answers: A board game, A sport, Something animals do)
  6. Mary is Mother of Jesus (wrong answers: Lead singer for a band, Mother of Joseph, The principal)
  7. A saint is A great person of faith who has gone before us (wrong answers: From New Orleans, A demon, A television star)

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