Mandatories Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. HIPPA - What information is confidential? All Information about resdients: Written, Faxed, Saved on Computer, Spoken
  2. How do you prepare for Severe Weather? Make sure doors / windows ar securley closed, have working flashlights, clean/disinfect wash basins/bathtubs and fill with water. Set up emergency staffing schedule.
  3. When should you all for help from an Ambulance? Please List 5 Situations. Bone Injuries, Insect Bites stings, Fainting/unconsciousness, Seizures/Epilepsy, Head injury, Burns, Electrical Shock, Eye Injury, Choking, No breathing, Substance Abuse
  4. How should you greet family members while on the clock? Greet every visitor by standing, smiling, asking how they can be helped, respond in appropriate manner.
  5. What does MSDS Stand for? Material Safety Data Sheets
  6. What are some examples of resident rights? List 3 Be treated with respect. Receive adequate treatment and care. Privacy including the right for staff to knock before entering room. Be free of mental, verbal, sexual and physical abuse. Manage personal financial affairs. Maintain legal counsel.
  7. What is Abuse? Abuse involves rude, offensive, and/or harmful action or language toward another person. Resident, employees, and visitor may be victims of abuse.

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