Supervisor Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. How long does the Landlord have to repair a hole in the ceiling? 30 Days (wrong answers: 7 Days, 14 Days, 20 Days, None of the above)
  2. You are performing an Inspection and the tenant has 15 cages filled with Pigeons. What is the likely course of action? N5 & Call Animal Control (wrong answers: N4 & Call Animal Control, L1 & Call Animal Control, L2 & Call Animal Control, N8 & Call Animal Control)
  3. You arrive at 177 for a building walkthrough and you notice garbage throughout the Lobby. What is the likely course of action? Have the Superintendent remedy the situation (wrong answers: Call Security , Call Jeff, Leave the garbage)
  4. You get a complaint from a tenant that there is Water coming in through their Living room ceiling. What is the likely course of action? Inspect the unit above and check for possible flooding, then mitigate water damage. (wrong answers: Call a Plumber to assess the ceiling right away., Send the cleaner to help clean up the water., Inspect the unit above and send the cleaner to help clean up the water.)
  5. Which answer is NOT a responsibility of a Supervisor? Dealing with Insurance incidents/Claims (wrong answers: Vacancy updates, Staff Discipline, Health and Safety Compliance, Vendor Management)
  6. What is the 3 "P"s of Customer Service? Patience, Professionalism and People First Attitude. (wrong answers: Patents, Professionalism and Personal First Attitude., Patience, Problem Solving Attitude and Proper Manners., Pursue Legal Action, Prepare Legal Notices and Present Results.)
  7. What course of action can the Landlord pursue if we cannot locate the source of a noise complaint? Nothing other than Document all correspondence with Tenant and Security. (wrong answers: N5, Send Letters to surrounding units., Call Jeff and ask for further guidance.)

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