The Kite Runner

Created by SilverdaleBA

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What happened to Amir’s mother? She died during childbirth. (wrong answers: She died 1 week after childbirth. , She left with a group of a dancers. )
  2. Three words that describes Amir relationship with his father: love, fear, and hate. (wrong answers: love, hate, and peace., love, support, and fear.)
  3. Who is Sanaubar? Hassan’s mother. (wrong answers: Amir’s cousin., Hassan’s grandmother., Hassan’s dad.)
  4. What discrimination do Hassan and Ali face?
  5. How does Baba treat Amir?
  6. How does Amir see his father vs Rahim Khan?
  7. How is the idea of brotherhood reinforced between Amir and Hassan?

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